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17. Special Quiz: Identify the words and ideas, which were not mentioned in text a.

Duty and Responsibility


A. Following professional practices consistent with school and system policies in working with students, parents, colleagues

1) to facilitate home-school communication by means of holding conferences, telephoning and sending written communications, etc.

B. Work organization

1) to conduct assigned classes at the timescheduled

2) to enforce regulations concerning student conduct and discipline

3) to provide adequate information, plans and materials for substitute teacher

4) to maintain accurate, complete and appropriate recods and files

C.Demonstration of professional practices in teaching and participation in professional development opportunities

1) to model correct use of language oral and written

2) to demonstrate accurate and up-to-date knowledge of content

3) to maintain lesson plan as required by school policy

4) to assign reasonable tasks and homework to students

D. Act in a professional manner and assume responsibility for the total school program, its safety and good order

1) to take precautions to protect records, equipment, materials and facilities

2) to assume responsibility for supervising students in out-of-class settings

18. Read, compare and learn.

Last Things First

Начиная с конца

Solutions to problems

В решеньи задачи,

Are easy to find:

по общему мнению,

The problem’s a great

Вся соль.


Но я полагаю иначе:

What is truly an art

искусство в том,

Is to wring from your mind

чтобы, зная решенье,

A problem to fit


A solution.

подходящую задачу.

19. Study “12 Ways to Use Your Power.” Share the results of your studying either with your parents or teachers, or bear it in mind for yourself.

1. Express yourself with confidence: Don’t end all your comments with questions; this will only make you look weak and indecisive.

2. Show your humorous side: Tell a joke – everyone can learn how – so people don’t think you’re all business, all the time.

3. Give a speech: If you have an opportunity to speak in front of a large audience, do it! Public speaking will force you to be clear, concise and inspiring – qualities everyone needs to get ahead.

4. Take up a sport: Challenge yourself with an activity that requires co-ordination and practice. There’s nothing more satisfying than pushing yourself to be really good at something and using your new skills.

5. Trust your enthusiasm: Just heard a new record or read anew book that you think is fabulous? Spread the word!

6. Tame your temper: Blowing up at some one doesn’t make you a stronger person. Controlling yourself does. The next time you’re tempted to lose your cool, take a deep breath and remain calm while voicing your feelings; you’ll be so much more effective.

7. Accept your parents for who they are: When we were children, most of us regarded our parents as all-knowing. But now it’s time to face the fact that our parents are people too, who deserve to be accepted for who they are.

8. Never say “I can’t do it”: If someone asks you to try something, give a try. If other people believe in your ability, the least you can do is challenging yourself.

9. Be optimistic: The best way to succeed is to keep your spirits up.

10. Be confident that you’re interesting: Not everyone can be or wants to be the life of the party, but you can be someone everyone loves to talk to.

11. Guard your privacy: We all need time alone more often than we think. Set aside an hour or two every week to write letters, take a nap…whatever is most relaxing.

12. Be a good friend: Don’t get angry because one friend is always anxious and another is often unhappy. Be a caring, cheerful listener and hope some of your qualities rub off.


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