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Welcome to Insead

My name is Han Ji-Yong. I’m an accountant from Korea. I want to introduce you to Insead. I’m a student on the MBA course. There are 836 students on the one-year MBA program. The students are from 70 different countries.

I like Insead because it gives me an international business education.I meet people from all around the world. My friends are from many different countries -Brazil, Vietnam, England. My two best friends are German and Greek.

Insead has campuses in Europe and Asia. The Asian campus is in Singapore. The

European campus is in Fontainebleau, France. It is 65 km from Paris. It isn’t a small campus. There are over 8,000 square metres of office space. There are 20 lecture theatres and conference rooms. There is a bookshop and an excellent library with over 45,000 books.

1. Match the numbers 1-6 to what they refer to a) to f).

1. 836 a) countries

2. 70 b) lecture theatres and conference rooms

3. 65 c) books in the library

5. 20 d) kilometres

6. 45,000 e) square metres

f) MBA students

2 Use the words from the box to complete the statements.

International Korea around accountant student isn't

a) Han ]i-Yong is an ………….

b) He is from…………

c) He is an…………….. at Insead.

d) Insead is a(n) ………………business school.

e) He has friends from all ………… the world.

f) Insead………….a small campus.

3 Complete the information in the box.











Over to you

Look at the information and take turns to say sentences about the National Business School. Use the last paragraph of the text as a model.

National Business School

  • campuses / the US and Russia

  • American campus / Chicago

  • Russian campus / Moscow

  • five hundred / students / thirty countries

  • library

  • 2 cafes/i restaurant

Ex.The National business School has campuses in the Us and Russia.

Unit 2 Work an leisure

The working week

Level of difficulty **

Before you read

Put these letters in the correct order to make the days of the week. Then write the days in the correct order.

a) dnesweyad Wednesday

b) firady

c) ndayom

d) nusyad

e) hurtayds

f) ydatasur

g) uesadyt


Read this article adapted from the Independent and answer the questions

Scientists tell us why we don't like Monday

Friday is great. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are OK. Sunday is not so good. And Monday? We don’t like Monday.This is not a surprise for most people, but now you can tell your boss that scientists agree with you.

In an experiment, scientists from the University of Essex in the UK interviewed 5,000 workers at the beginning and the end of the week. The results say that people often have good job satisfaction on Friday, but by Sunday employees don’t like the idea of work.

Why don’t we like Monday? Dr Taylor, a scientist from the University of Essex, thinks that it could be because employees sometimes work more hours than they want to. This can make people unhappy at work. He advises that flexible working hours and taking days off in the week may help.

So, next time you wake up and hate Monday morning, take a holiday.

From the Independent

1. Are these sentences true or false?

a)Scientists interviewed five thousand employees.

b) They interviewed people twice a week.

c) People don't like their jobs on Sunday.

d) People enjoy working more hours than they want to.

e) Flexible working hours may help.

2. Number the information in the order that it appears in the article.

a) the name of a scientist

b) the days of the week

c) a number

d) the name of a university

3. Match the titles a) to c) to the three paragraphs in the article.

a) Possible solutions

b) The day we don't like

c) Scientists ask employees questions

Over to you

Put the days of the week in the order that you like them best. Are there any days that you don’t like? What are your ideal working hours?

Unit 2 Work an leisure

Rush hour commuting

Level of difficulty **

Before you read

Match the words 1-5 to their meanings a) to e)

1. computer a) rules of behaviour

2. punctual b) a lot of people

3. etiquette c) a time when lots of people travel

4. crowded d) a person who travels a long way to work

5. rush hour e) on time


Read this article adapted from FT.com and answer the questions

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