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Rush hour etiquette in Tokyo

It’s difficult to be polite on rush hour trains in Tokyo. Millions of passengers use the underground every day. Platforms are crowded. When you get on the train, it’s almost impossible to read or move.

Japanese society is very polite. Is etiquette important on rush hour trains? Yes, it is. Posters ask passengers not to use mobile phones or carry rucksacks. People often offer to move seats so that two friends can sit together. Some passengers use the journey to sleep.

The trains are fast and punctual and the stations are safe and clean. Train staff enjoy their work. Commuters like the clean and safe environment - but they don’t like the crowded rush hour trains.

From FT.com

1. Underline the correct words in Italics to make true sentences.

a) It is impossible /possible to be polite on rush hour trains in Tokyo.

b) Many/Not many people use the underground trains every day.

c) It’s easy/difficult to read on the train.

d) It’s OK /not OK to use a mobile phone on the trains.

e) The trains are quick /slow.

f) Most train employees don't like /like their job.

2. Look at the article again. Match the words that go together to make word partnerships from the article.

1. get on a) rucksacks

2. be b) mobile phones

3. carry c) trains

4. use d) polite

3. Use the expressions from exercise 2 to complete the sentences.

a) It's important to…………… …………… in Japan.

b) It's difficult to……….. ……………….. at rush hour.

c) Posters ask people not to…….. …………. ………….. to make calls on the train.

d) It’s too crowded to………… ……………on the train.

Over to you

When is the rush hour in your country? Think of five different types of transport. Put them in the order that you like to travel. Are there any types of travel that you don’t like? Imagine your perfect way to travel to work every day. Compare your ideas with a partner.

Unit 3 Problems

A job-sharing couple

Level of difficulty ***

Before you read

Underline the correct words in italics to make true sentences.

a) A job-share is when two people do the same job in the same company/different companies.

b) Ideal is a very good /bad way for something to be.

c) Problem-solving is when you look for problems /find answers to problems.


Read this article adapted from the Guardian and answer the questions.

Mr and Mrs Boss

A job-share is when two people do the same job in the same company. For example, one person can work mornings and the other can work afternoons. Or one can work two days a week and the other can work three days a week. Sarah and Simon Truelove share the same job in the same company. Together they work as the finance director for a company in the UK.

A job-share with your partner can help-solve childcare problems. When one person is at work, the other can look after the children. But it isn't a good solution for all couples. Some people don't want to work with their partner. It is important not to talk about work all the time.

What are the advantages for employers? Couples are often good at problem-solving. Good communication is essential. Sarah Truelove says, “The ideal person to communicate with is Simon because I see him every evening to chat about things. I think it would be more difficult if I was job-sharing with anybody else.”

From the Guardian

1. Match the words on the left with a word or phrase on the right that has a similar meaning.

1. a couple a) looking after children

2. chat b) very important

3. childcare c) talk

4. twice d) partners

5. essential e) two times

2. Use the words from the box to complete the questions.

When What Who Where

a) ……………..do Sarah and Simon Truelove share?

b) ……………..is the ideal person for Sarah to communicate with?

c) …………do Sarah and Simon chat?

d)…………..is the company?

Over to you

Do you know anyone who job-shares or works flexible hours? Is it possible in your job? Is it a good idea to job-share with your partner? Why?/ Why not?

Unit 3 Problems

Choosing the right staff

Level of difficulty ***

Before you read

Use a dictionary to match the words with the correct definition.

1. to employ a) an organisation which produces or sells goods or services

2. staff b) all the people who work for an organisation

3. a skill c) to find new people to work for you

4. to recruit d) to pay someone to work for you

5. a business e) a person who tries to get a job

6. a candidate f) something a person does well because they have learned

and practised it


Read this article adapted from FT.com and answer the questions.

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