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IV. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Predicate in the Passive Voice.

1. The explorers were shown the nearest way to the river. 2. The design of the engine was given much attention to. 3. The explorers were seen not far from the camp of the expedition. 4. The student was asked several difficult questions. 5. She was told to leave the laboratory. 6. The students are taught English at our Institute. 7. The engineers of our laboratory were offered new research work. 8. He was helped while translating the article.

V. Translate the international words into Ukrainian.

Renaissance, period, history, sphere, nature, natural, professor, phys­ics, mathematics, university, critic, official, complex, form, kinematics, me­chanics, dynamics, acceleration, classical mechanics, construct, telescope, instrument, satellite, Jupiter, phase, Venus, philosopher, Inquisition, idea, dogma, religion, revolutionary.

VI. Find the international words and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Science and labour are the main sources of progress. 2. M. Faraday's principle of the dynamo is in use in the giant generators today. 3. Our planet has powerful sources of energy. 4. To provide young working people with better opportunities (facilities) for receiving higher education many institutes in our country have preparatory courses. 5. This scientific discovery was the result of six years' research. 6. By means of special instruments we can determine the chemical and physical properties of that substance.7. No student could translate this article without a dictionary. 8. Almost half of the speakers at the conference were factory and office workers.

VII. Define the full name of the following abbreviations and translate

them into Ukrainian.

Maser, d.c, Laser, yd., in., Radar, ft., hr., WC, NATO, UA, USA, UNICEF.

VIII. Find the accordance to the following abbreviations and translate into Ukrainian.

1. etc.; 2. Ltd.; 3. PS; 4. Vs; 5. WC; 6. IM.S.E and W; 7. RIP; 8. Tel.

a) before a phone number; b) on a toilet door; c) at the foot of the letter; d) on a gravestone; e) after a name of a company: f) on a compass; g) at the end of an unfinished list; h) between the names of opponents or


IX. Give the full name of the following abbreviations: RAM, ROM, max, °C, °F, LB, P, log, hr.

X. Render from English into Ukrainian and define the Predicates.

Characteristics of Metals

Metals have different characteristics and these characteristics are called properties. Selecting a metal which is to be used in a metal product an engineer must know about various metals and their mechanical properties. There are some characteristics common to all metals. We find, for example, metals are good conductors of electricity and heat, that is why copper and aluminium are widely used for cables. There are some mechanical properties of metals which determine their usefulness in the industries.

They are the following: strength (that is, the ability to carry a load); elasticit (i.e. the ability to deform under load and return to the original shape when the load is removed) and many others.

The mechanical properties of metals must be taken into consideration when selecting the material a part is made of.