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Chinese medicine

The main difference between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine that is that TCM focused on health rather than disease. It focuses on keeping the body in balance and harmony with nature.

In China, the best doctors are said to be those whose patients remain healthy. This is supporting by enhancing immunity before imbalance and disease occur.

Observation plays an essential part in the Chinese practitioner´s diagnoses. Everything about the person is observed, from his tongue, eyes, skin color, hearing, pulse, age, weight, to his voice, hair, posture, and body odor.

A complete examination of this type reveals potentially weak areas. Acupuncture and herbology are then prescribed to bolster the immune system.

Herbology is particularly effective at helping to eliminate what the Chinese call “evils”: viruses, bacterial infections, or anything else that invades the body from the outside.

The doctor prescribes herbs not only for the affected parts but to strengthen other parts which may be weakened by the disease.

Chinese doctors think that Western medicine eliminates evils without supporting the normal order, that is it uses the so-called magic-bullet idea: kill the problem, kill the disease, which can often harm the body. They say: “If you have a mouse in the house you set a mousetrap, you do not burn the house down”.

What are the main differences between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine?

Fight on-the-job stress

Does your job stress you out? More than half of workers report working under stress. Stress and worry on the job can be harmful, causing problems that damage your health and performance. Signs of work stress can include headaches, loss of morale, lack of concentration, upset stomach, and short temper.

Here are some everyday items you can keep at your desk to alleviate the pressure during your time at the office.

Water bottle

Water is essential and comes only second to oxygen for survival. Experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day for optimal health. Keep a water bottle at your desk for a quick refresher. Fatigue and sluggishness are signs of dehydration. Water also makes your fuller and keeps you from eating when you are not hungry.

Portable snacks

You should not starve yourself just because you are at a desk all day, either. If your energy is zapped, you might need to eat something. A headache may indicate the need to eat something. Keep imperishable food (popcorn, cereal bars, dried fruit, raisins, nuts and seeds) at your desk for emergency.


Next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. It has a lot of benefits. Peppermint tea is refreshing. It increases energy and stimulates brain activity. Chamomile tea helps to promote relaxation. It reduces tension and stress and calms nerves. Ginseng tea is an energy booster. It improves blood sugar level, improves thinking and accelerates reaction time.

Tennis shoes

Put on your tennis shoes and take a walk during your lunch break. Breathing the fresh air and feeling your body move is a natural stress relief. It also improves your mood.

Golf ball or empty bottle

Keep a golf ball or empty bottle nearby for quick massages to relieve foot cramps. Foot massages are known to relieve tension, mental and physical stress, fatigue and headaches.

CDs and headphones

Unwind by listening to your favourite tunes. Using headphones you can listen to music without disturbing your coworkers.

Of course if burnout continues, headaches become more frequent, and you still yearn for an escape, it might be a sign of a deeper problem. It may be time to consider changing jobs or careers or even seeking the help of a professional.

Ex. 7. Translate from Russian into English

Большинство из нас хочет быть здоровыми всю нашу жизнь. Врачи говорят что, чтобы достигнуть этого, предупреждение болезни лучше, чем её лечение. Таким образом, они советуют нам избегать курения, чрезмерно пить или употреблять наркотики, кушать в разумных количествах, регулярно делать физические упражнения, и, конечно, жить в чистых природных условиях.

К сожалению, многим из нас трудно следовать этим хорошим советам. Физические упражнения могут быть скучными и отнимать много времени. Некоторые из наших любимых пищевых продуктов как гамбургеры, напитки в баночках, мороженое и чипсы очень вредны. И некоторые вещи, которыми молодые люди часто увлекаются и получают удовольствие, такие как прыжки с «тарзанки», автомобильные гонки и прыжки с парашютом - самые захватывающие, но и очень опасные занятия.

Useful words and expressions


to lose consciousness

терять сознание


to regain consciousness

приходить в сознание


to complain



to have complaints



stomach ulcer

язва желудка





to suffer from insomnia

мучаться бессонницей


nervous breakdown

нервный срыв



опухоль, волдырь





painful/ painless

болезненный, безболезненный





to ease pain

облегчить боль


shooting pains

острая боль


dull ache

тупая боль








to faint

упасть в обморок


Ex.1 Discuss the questions. Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Why?

  1. “Prison doesn’t work. It’s better to re-educate criminals, and help them to find jobs and so on”.

  2. “Courts should give criminals long, harsh sentences because they act as a deterrent to others. If punishments are too lenient they encourage criminals to commit more crimes”.

  3. “The feelings of victims and their families should be the most important factor in deciding the sentence for a crime”.

Ex.2 Match the criminals with the descriptions.











a. someone who kills somebody else on purpose

b. someone who steals things from shops

c. someone who takes a person by force and demands ransom in order to set them free

d. someone who steals something from a bank, post office, shop, often using threats or force

e. someone who uses force to take control of an aeroplane, train etc.

f. someone who takes things which do not belong to them

g. someone who damages other people’s property on purpose

h. someone who attacks people in the street in order to steal something

i. someone who sets fire to property on purpose

j. someone who breaks into people’s houses to steal things

Go through the list of offences and decide which are major and which are minor. Then look at the forms of punishment and decide which is appropriate for each offence.



  1. murder

  2. hijacking an aircraft

  3. kidnapping

  4. littering

  5. writing graffiti on public building

  6. stealing a car

  7. pickpocketing

  8. stealing sweets

  9. making noise late at night

  10. being on a bus without a ticket

  11. violent behaviour in a football stadium

  12. toxic waste pollution

1. to be sentenced to life imprisonment

2. to be sent to prison

3. to be fined a large/small amount of money

4. to be given a suspended sentence

5. to do community service

6. to be given a warning

Match each word with the definitions

  1. the accused

  2. court reporter

  3. witness

  4. policeman

  5. jury

  6. judge

  7. defence lawyer

  8. prosecutor

  9. junior defence lawyer

a. sb who has been charged with committing a crime

b. a professional who decides how a criminal should be punished

c. a professional who speaks for the accused and advises him in court

d. sb who has seen a crime happen

e. a professional who assists the lawyer of the accused

f. a group of people in court who decide whether sb is innocent or guilty

g. sb whose job is to deter people from committing crimes and to arrest those who breaks the law

h. a professional who represents the state in court

i. sb who notes down what is said in court

Ex.3. Fill in with : accused, evidence, convicted, sentenced, tried, arrested, guilty, put, suspected.

The police had (1)……………… Paul Williams for months, and when they finally gathered some real (2)…………… against him he was (3)……………… by the police and (4)………………. of trafficking in drugs. A few weeks later he was (5)……………… for the crime. The jury were quickly convinced that he was (6)……………… of drug-trafficking, so he was (7)……………… of the crime and (8)……………… to ten years in prison. The police were satisfied they had managed to (9)……………… such a dangerous criminal behind bars.

Ex.4 Below you see the story of an extraordinary case in British legal history. The affair started in 1949 and was finally closed in 1966. Use the words below to complete it.







enquiry x 2



















The story began when a man called Timothy Evans was …………… for the murder of his wife and baby. He was …………… with the double murder, but a short time later one of the charges was …………… and he was …………… for the murder of his daughter only. During the …………… Evans accused the man whose house he had been living in, John Christie, of the crimes, but no attention was paid to him. The …………… found Evans …………… and he was …………… to death. An …………… was turned down and he was …………… in 1950.

Some time later, more women’s bodies were discovered in Christie’s house: two, three, four, five, six. John Christie was the police’s chief …………… and they started a nationwide ………… for him. He was soon …………… . Alleged …………… by Christie while he was in …………… cast doubt on the Evans hanging. When he went to ……………, Christie ………… that he had murdered Mrs Evans, but in private it was said that he …………… to that crime. His …………… of insanity with regard to other murders was rejected and he was …………… of killing his wife.

Soon afterwards there was an …………… into the …………… of Timothy Evans. The …………… decided that justice had been done and Evans had been rightly hanged. It was only in 1966 that another …………… was set up. This time it was decided that Evans had probably been …………… and he was given a free …………… . Better late than never, as they say.

Ex.5 – 4.22 – Listen to the information and find out what crimes the people committed and the way they were punished.

Ex.6 Read and translate the text and answer the questions after it.

Shoplifter in landmark California case

A shoplifter from California who was found guilty of stealing DVDs worth $150 has been sentenced to fifty years’ imprisonment. He cannot get parole for at least twenty-five years. Leandro Andrade, 37, tried to steal the goods from a Kmart store but was stopped and arrested. Two weeks later he tried to do the same thing in a different store but he was arrested again. Andrade had previous convictions for burglary and possession of drugs. Because of California’s “three strikes and you are out” law, Andrade could stay in prison until he is 87-years-old. This law says that if a criminal has already been convicted of two serious crimes, he or she will automatically get a minimum of 25 years in prison for any further similar crimes.

File-sharer found guilty

A Swiss woman has been fined and given a two-year suspended sentence by a Los Angeles court for uploading songs and films to the Internet. The woman, who has not been named, uploaded 4,200 songs and 270 movies onto a file-sharing website, breaking US copyright law. It is not clear how big the fine is but if she fails to pay she will be jailed for 30 days.

Burglary victim convicted of murder

Farmer, Tony Martin, was sentenced to life imprisonment today after being found guilty of murdering a young burglar who had broken into his farmhouse on 20 August. As they tried to escape in the dark, Martin shot and killed Fred Barras, 16, and wounded Brendon Fearon, 29. Martin claimed that his farmhouse had been repeatedly burgled and that he had received no help from the police. Martin has already admitted owning a gun illegally. Fearon was sentenced to three years imprisonment for burglary earlier this year.

Anger at dangerous driver’s sentence

The families of two girls who were killed by a speeding driver expressed their anger last night as the driver was given 300 hours community service. Douglas Ramsay, 19, from Scotland was driving his van at 84 kilometres per hour in a 50 kilometres per hour area when he hit the two girls, aged 15 and 16. The mother of one of the girls said “I think it is outrageous that he can take two lives and just get this sentence”. She has called for Ramsay to be jailed. Local politicians have also criticised the sentence for being too lenient. Ramsay’s defence lawyer told the court that Ramsay had been deeply affected by the tragedy.

  • Do you think the sentences given in these cases were fair, too lenient or too harsh?

  • Why do you think these sentences were given?

  • What sentences do you think they should have got?

Ex.7 – 4.15, 4.16 – Listen to the information “The Great Train Robbery” and “What happened next?” and answer the questions.

  1. What did the gang steal and how did they commit the crime?

  2. What violence was used?

  3. Did the whole gang go on trial?

  4. How did the gang plead, guilty or not guilty? What did the jury decide?

  5. What sentences did the train robbers receive?

  6. What is the importance of these numbers in the story?

a. 240 b. 600 c. 51 d. £80,000

  1. How did Ronnie Biggs manage to escape from prison?

  2. Why did he get to jail again?

  3. Why did the government decide to release him? When did it happen?

  4. Where and how long did Buster Edwards hide?

  5. How many years was he sentenced in prison to?

  6. What did he do after he had been released?

  7. Why did he commit suicide?

Ex.8. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Захват самолета – серьезное преступление. Я думаю, что тот кто захватывает самолет должен быть посажен в тюрьму.

2. Кража из кaрманов – мелкое преступление. Я думаю, что тот кто крадет кошельки, должен быть оштрафован.

3. Шуметь поздно ночью – мелкое нарушение. Я думаю, что тот кто шумит, должен быть предупрежден.

4. Загрязнение токсичными отходами – серьезное преступление.

5. Вчера утром Грегори Бригс предстал перед судом, обвиненный в вооруженном ограблении. Судья приговорил его к 10 годам тюрьмы. Один свидетель сказал, что Бригс ворвался в банк, держа пистолет и угрожал застрелить всех, если менеджер не даст ему все деньги из сейфа. Бригс отрицал нарушение закона и сказал репортерам, что он невиновен. Однако, после заслушивания свидетелей и рассмотрения доказательств, присяжные пришли к заключению, что Бригс виновен.

Useful words and expressions


to get parole

получить условно-досрочное освобождение


lenient punishment

мягкое наказание


harsh punishment

суровое наказание


capital punishment/ death penalty

смертная казнь


to be executed

быть казненным





to sue

привлекать к суду


counterfeit money

фальшивые деньги


a ransom






to impose a fine

наложить штраф


to assault with a weapon

напасть с применением оружия


a barrister

судебный адвокат


a solicitor

адвокат, юристконсульт





bribery and corruption

подкуп и коррупция


Ex.1 . Read the text, check new words in the box below and learn them. Retell the information.

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