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(MCNE) Text 3-6.doc
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1. Read the whole article. Are these statements true or false?

a) Businesspeople are traveling more than ever before.

b) Management consultants travel less than other business people.

c) Most people think that using the Internet is as good meeting face-to-face.

d) Body language is more important than what people actually say.

e) Business travel will decline in the long run as people use the Internet more and more.

2. Choose the best alternative to complete these statements/

a) Sophistication (line….) is when people have a lot of

i) ignorance about something

ii) knowledge, experience and understanding of something

iii) interest in something.

b) If X has an impact (line….) on Y, it has no

i) no influence on it

ii) a connection with it

iii) an affect on it.

c) A road warrior (line….) is a kind of

i) a soldier

ii) transport employee

iii) businessperson.

d) A time zone (line…) is an area of

i) an airport where you can see the times of flights

ii) a building where there is a public clock

iii) the world where it is the same time in all places.

e) Something that is global (line…)

i) is round or spherical

ii) happens or involves things all over the world

iii) is full or complete.

3. Find words in the article that are the opposites of these expressions.

a) slow and low-key d) illogical

b) infrequent e) rational

c) irregularly and with great effort f) fresh, rested and ready to work

4. Choose the correct sense for the expressions in italics.

a) « The question is why all the technological gadgetry has failed make a dent in

the amount of business travel?» (line….)

i) a hollow area in a surface

ii) a reduction

b) The answer seems to lie with a simple statistic. (line… )

i) not tell the truth

ii) be found in

c) Facial expressions, body language, eye-contact – these are all key conduits.(line…)

i) channels of communication

ii) pipes

d) Without them you can’t get past first base.(line…)

i) get beyond the first stage in a negotiation or discussion – an expression taken

from baseball

ii) get beyond the base of something – an expression taken from building houses

e) It’s tough to bond over the Internet.

i) use a type of financial investment

ii) make close contact with someone

  1. A lot of lobbing goes on before and after meetings. (line…)

  1. meeting in hotel lobbies

ii) attempts to influence people and their decisions.

  1. Match each verb 1-5 to the noun a)-e) that it goes with the article

    1. read a) the atmosphere

    2. pick up b) relationships

    3. walk into c) people

    4. build d) a meeting

    5. burn out e) body language