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ІІІ Семестр ФФМІ інформатика_комп.інженерія.doc
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1. Барановська т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. Посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповнене – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: тов “вп Логос-м», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, а.Л. Арцишевська, л.Р. Кузнєцова, л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. Доц. Мисик л.В. – Підручник. – к.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

3. Гужва т. М. Англійська мова: Розмовні теми: Навч. Посіб. Для студентів фак. Інозем. Філології, університетів, ліцеїв, гімназій та коледжів. – Харків: Фоліо, 2005. – 414с.

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Сервіс у літаку (у потязі, на судні).

План роботи

1. Підготовка до обговорення теми. Вивчення нових слів. Читання, переклад діалогів.

railway station ['reilwei 'steijn] to see somebody off

fast train [fa:st] to travel light [traevl lait ]

through train car / carriage (Am.) left-luggage room / check room (Am.)

reserved seats car to check one's suitcase ['sjuitkeis]

dining car ['dainirj ka:] to get a receipt [ri'si:t]

compartment booking office ['bukin 'ofis]

lower berth inquiry office [in'kwaiari 'ofis]

upper berth waiting room ['weitinrum]

the train starts / is pulling in single ticket [singl 'tikit]

the train is leaving / is pulling out single ticket [singl 'tikit]

Where do we change? return ticket

When is our train due? to miss the train



  • Here you are at last! I've been waiting for half an hour for you.

  • I'm sorry, I'm late. But I was stuck in a traffic jam.

  • Here's your ticket.

  • Oh, thank you. Is it a through train?

  • Yes. I'm glad we shan't have to change.

  • Fine. When is it due in Edinburgh?

  • According to the timetable we are due there at 9.15 a.m.

  • And when is it leaving, by the way?

  • Oh, in ten minutes. Come on or we'll miss it.


  • Well, we are moving at last. The train doesn't seem to be very crowded.

  • Not as overcrowded as at the peak tourist time in summer. What berth do you prefer?

  • The lower one, if it is O.K. with you.

  • Sure. Shall I open the window? It's rather stuffy in here.

  • Do, please.

Ex.1. Fill in the missing remarks.

  1. Where is the inquiry office?-

  2. Is it a fast train? -

  3. When is the train due in Boston? -

  4. Oh, I'm afraid it is not very convenient. -

  5. What berth would you prefer? - ....

  6. Did you check our luggage? Where is the receipt? -

  7. We still have half an hour before the train. Shall we go to the waiting room? -

Ex.2. Think of the questions to which the following sentences are responses.

1. ? - 50 pounds.

2 ? - Yes, let's have our luggage registered.

3 ?- Sorry, but there are no available compartments.

4 ? - No, I'm going to Glasgow.

5 ? - Yes, I have to change.

2. Виконання граматичних вправ із використанням тематичної лексики.

There is / there are

We use there is and there are to say things exist or don't exist/We use there is with singular nouns, and there are with plural nouns

Ex.1. Complete the following sentences with "is" or "are".

  1. There ... a booking office at the corner. 6. There ... two through trains to Kyiv.

  2. There ... two tickets on the table. 7. There ... an inquiry office over there.

  3. There ... many people in the waiting room. 8. There ... still plenty of time before the train.

  4. There ... only one bus going to the station. 9. There ... some seats vacant.

  5. There ... four berths in each compartment.

This - these / that - those

Determiners are used before nouns or noun phrases. They change their form before plural nouns.

Ex.2. Change the following questions from singular to plural.

  1. This train is fast. 6. That is your suitcase.

  2. That pack of cigarettes is John's. 7. That is my berth

  3. This car belongs to my friend. 8. This guard is very polite.

  4. This compartment is very comfortable. 9. That waiting room is large.

  5. This is my son's ticket.

Ex.3. Translate into English.

  • Я збираюся їхати до Києва у відрядження.

  • Коли?

  • У понеділок.

  • Є прямий поїзд. Він відходить о дев'ятій вечора.

  • Чудово. А коли він прибуває до Києва?

  • О восьмій ранку.

  • Це мені підходить.

  • Я можу замовити вам квиток.

  • Дякую. Я хотів би купейне місце, нижню лаву.

  • Добре. Постараюся зробити все можливе.

  • Дякую. Ви мені дуже допомогли.