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III. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “The cases that came into the office ranged from … the name of the game was to win” (p.161)

2. “The trial went even worse than Ken Bailey had predicted … The people on the stand did it for him” (p.170)

IV. Comment on the following:

1. “The word justice was honored mostly in the branch. In the courtroom, neither the prosecuting attorney nor the defense attorney sought justice: the name of the game was to win” (p.161)

2. “A man’s shoes said something about his character” (p.163)

3. “Most cases are won or lost before the trial begins” (p.163)

4. “It’s going to be a black mark against you” (p.170)

5. “What kind of man is it who would deny his own child?” ()p.176)

Chapters 16-17

I. Translate into English:

- Дамоклов меч;

- звучать сомнительно, подозрительно;

- быть пристрастным, иметь предвзятое мнение;

- цитировать кого-то;

- сбить машиной;

- преуспеть, выиграть;

- неисправность системы тормозов;

- замышлять что-то;

- перехитрить кого-то;

- найти другое решение;

II. Interpret the following:

1. “Adam thought about telling Jennifer of his discussion with Steward Needham, but he decided not to” (p.178)

2. “You’ve heard about cups, lips and slips” (p.178)

3. “That has nothing to do with my being proud of you. I love you so much, Adam” (p.178)

4. “She was not going to stand by and see someone railroaded into an insane asylum” (p.181)

5. “Whatever the hell you’re after, looks like you’ve hit the jackpot” (p.191)

6. “He was angry and did not bother to conceal it” (p.200)

7. “I want to know when the stature of limitations is up” (p.195)

8. “If you’d like to settle for a lunch sometime we can talk about the fickle finger of fate” (p.196)

9. “He’s been in and out of the pen since he was sixteen” (p.199)

10. “Get out of here. You turn my stomach” (p.200)

III. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “The meeting turned out to be quite different from … full backing of the party” (p.177)

2. “There was something that was not wonderful tugging at … it would be political suicide” (p.179)

3. “Michael had never known a woman of spirit, a woman who had the courage to defy him. Jennifer Parker had had the nerve to hang up on him” (p.189)

4. “It means for civil cases what double jeopardy means for criminal cases. There must be an end to litigation” (p.191)

5. “I’m going to file for a new trial” (p.193)

6. “I’m requesting a reopening on failure to disclose” (p.193)

IV. Comment on the proverbs taking into account the events of the novel:

1. It’s never too late to mend.

2. He that never climbed never fell.

3. He laughs best who laughs last.

4. Slip between the cup and the lip.

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