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III. Give a good literary translation of the following:

  • “The next few weeks raced by, … it was twelve-fifty and expenses” (p.63);

  • “In the past, Jennifer had only … began to fantasize” (p.64);

  • “There’s a great deal of money at stake here” (p.65);

  • “Her days were spent running around … But she felt trapped” (p.68);

  • “When one of her clients was arrested for shoplifting, muggling, prostitution or drugs, Jennifer would head downtown to arrange bail, and bargaining was a way of life” (p.73);

  • “There were more than a hundred and fifty cases … society had passed by” (p.74-75).

IV. Comment on the following:

  • “Justice isn’t always blind” (p.68);

  • “Robert Di Silva was a vindictive man, and Jennifer was a vulnerable target” (p.68);

  • “When you are in love with a married man you shouldn’t wear mascara” (p.69);

  • “Ken Bailey carried his own private hell with him” (p.71);

  • “A high-priced divorce lawyer was known as a bomber” (p.71).

Chapters 6-7

I. Translate into English:

  • мишень в тире;

  • избежать наказания;

  • сбить машиной (грузовиком);

  • вызывать сочувствие;

  • иметь профессиональную способность делать что-либо;

  • делать что-либо хладнокровно;

  • переходить границы дозволенного;

  • нарушитель порядка;

  • делать скидку на неопытность;

  • кипеть от злости.

II. Interpret the following:

  • “There were half a dozen very good ones who prosecuted murder trails, and Jennifer familiarized herself with their techniques” (p.64);

  • “I would have thought that someone with your great legal talent would be able to get him off scot-free” (p.87);

  • “Ken Bailey had warned her. … and she was to be their carrion” (p.92);

  • “The District Attorney had sandbagged her” (p.95);

  • “It was something we did in the heat of the moment” (p.97);

  • “He was an orchestra leader and the jury was his orchestra. Jennifer had never seen anything like it” (p.97);

  • “Judge Waldman will tell you that no defendant is guilty until a judge or jury declares that he is guilty” (p.98).

III. Give a good literary translation of the following:

  • “She studied hundreds of appellate court decisions, … reduced to manslaughter” (p.84);

  • “I know this looks like an open-and-shut case, but there are extenuating circumstances” (p.87);

  • “He was put in the House of Detention … robbery and sodomy” (p.89);

  • “The trail was scheduled to take place in Room 37 … Jennifer thought” (p.92-93);

  • “He was deliberately prejudicing the jury, yet not overstepping the bounds, so that there could be no error calling for mistrial or reversal” (p.97).

IV. Comment on the following:

  • “I thought you would have turned tail and run out of town by now” (p.87);

  • “This must be like the waiting room to hell” (p.89);

  • “Prison society is the politest society in the world” (p.89);

  • “An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth” (p.97)

Chapters 8-9

I. Translate into English:

- перефразировать вопрос;

- избавлять кого-то от чего-то;

- переходить границы;

- быть ошеломленным;

- относиться с пренебрежением;

- унижать;

- расстраивать планы;

- бросить вызов правительству;

- изысканная свадебная церемония;

- полностью принадлежать кому-то.

II. Interpret the following:

- “She should never have taken the case in the first place. What right had she to put a man’s life in her hands?” (p.111-112)

- “He sat there as immobile as a statue” (p.112)

- “She daydreamed about her father as a kind of Robin Hood” (p.122)

- “She was spared the shock of knowing the truth” (p.122)

III. Give a good literary translation of the following:

1. “This jury finds the defendant, Abraham Wilson, not guilty as charged” (p.112)

2. “You crawl into my skin and I’ll crawl into yours and … was going to be executed”(p.115)

3. “Antonio Granelli had moved cautiously at first, … and the milk flowed to the Family” (p.121)

IV. Comment on the following:

1. Justice is always blind.

2. “God is just” (the words of Thomas Jefferson in “Notes on the State of Virginia” 1781-5). How can these statements be applied to the events of the novel?

3. “How does it feel to be a celebrity” (p.114)

4. “But in the end, true love prevailed” (p.123)

Chapters 10-11

I. Translate into English:

- быть занятым своим гаремом;

- носить обручальное кольцо;

- изящная и утонченная женщина;

- записаться к парикмахеру;

- иметь преимущество;

- погибнуть в авиакатастрофе;

- быть вне себя от горя;

- сойти с троуара и поскользнуться;

- поддаться уговорам;

- калека.

II. Interpret the following:

1. “I was wondering if you’d care to have dinner with me one evening” (p.128)

2. “Jennifer liked the father just as little as she had liked the son” (p.131)

3. “As her dinner date with Adam drew closer, Jennifer found it more and more difficult to concentrate on business” (p.133)

4. “He was witty and charming, but she was armored against his charm” (p. 137)

III. Translate into Russian:

1. He testified for (on behalf of) his family.

2. The landlady testified for the prosecution.

3. No one expected her to testify against her husband.

4. The man testified that he had seen the accused leaving the building around the time of the murder.

5. The open book testified to the fact that she had been reading.

6. The jurors doubted that the testimony was really true.

7. Before giving testimony in court the witness has to take the oath.

8. Your report is testimony to the many hours of research work.

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