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IV. Comment on the following:

1. “It was a non-win case” (p.135)

2. “The rule is, when you’re on the wrong side of a non-win case, make sure it’s where there is no publicity involved” (p.135)

3. “… you could work miracles” (p.142)

4. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.

Chapters 12-14

I. Translate into English:

- сделать первоклассную, превосходную работу

- сделать кому-либо одолжение

- напоминать кому-либо о чем-либо

- гордиться чьми-то успехами

- идти сквозь толпу

- командировка в какое-то захудалое местечко

- взять выходной

- я ни перед чем не останавлюсь

- быть захваченным игрой

- мучить кого-то, беспокоить кого-то

II. Interpret the following:

1. “The jury had exonerated both defendants” (p.145)

2. “They were performed by the top men there and were done properly. That’s why the hospital wasn’t named in the suit” (p.146)

3. “They talked about law and politics and the theatre, and solved all the complex problems of the world” (p.149)

4. “It was Michael that the crowd focused on” (p.150)

5. “Jennifer plunged herself into work, and still the weeks seemed to drag by” (p.151)

6. “But now that they were lovers, they dared not appear in public together, so they went to places where they were not apt to run into friends” (p.156-157)

7. “She knew she was going to have to pay” (p.157)

III. Translate into Russian:

1. She has been convicted of theft.

2. The jury has the power to convict or to acquit.

3. He has a long record of convictions.

4. Paul is a man of strong convictions.

5. It’s my personal conviction that all the murderers should be locked away for life.

6. A month ago she was acquitted on a shoplifting charge.

7. Of the four cases that went to trial, two ended in acquittals.

IV. Comment on the following:

1. “The city had argued that the storm was an act of God” (p.145)

2. “It was as though he had her in some kind of spell and she was mesmerized, helpless to break it” (p.153)

3. “Time took on a different dimension” (p.157)

Chapter 15

I. Translate into English:

- погрузиться в работу;

- иметь дело с людьми, попавшими в беду;

- камень преткновения;

- найти следы коварства или обмана;

- сразу же понравиться;

- напыщенный и высокомерный;

- чернить и пачкать чье-либо имя;

- бар для холостяков и незамужних женщин;

- человек со средствами;

- офисные апартаменты.

II. Interpret the following:

1. “Because she had a man’s she had to work twice as hard and be twice as good as the competition” (p.164)

2. “She would liein bed at night or sit at the desk in her office and plot her opponent’s strategy”

3. “We’re prepared to accept a reasonable out-of-court settlement”

4. “All Jennifer could do was sit by while her client’s name was besmirched” (p.170)

5. “I’m not here to moralize” (p.172)

6. “This was her only chance to try to repair the damage that had been done” (p.172)

7. “”Counsel for the plaintiff knows better than that” (p. 172)

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