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The History of Baranovichi State University

The institution of education “Baranovichi State University” was founded on the 23 rd of June, 2004 by decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The establishment of University in a non-capital city meets the requirements for transferring a higher education to the country's regions and making it more accessible to the people of Belarus as most of them live in provinces.

The University trains engineering, educational, economic and juristic specialists in the region. It has a corresponding basis for the perfection of highly qualified specialists oriented at the national economy and social sphere. There is a proper methodical and material basis, Data Computing Center with an access to the Internet and the library collection of 221890 volumes in it.

The main aims of the educational process are:

  • to provide future specialists with a wide fundamental training, develop their self-work;

  • to use effective educational technologies and active forms of teaching and educational process, as well as modern methods of knowledge control;

  • to carry out educational programs, aimed at the developing students creative abilities;

  • to use scientifically trained potential in a rational way.

There are more than 9000 full-time and correspondence students at the faculties. The University is stuffed by over 510 members, including 9 doctors of sciences and professors, 75 candidates of sciences and assistant professors, more than 104 masters work at 29 departments of the University. Currently more than 80 members are doing post-graduate research for a master's through doctor's degrees.

University's students have all necessary facilities for study, scientific research, recreation, sports and amateur activities. They have at their disposal computer-equipped and purpose-built classrooms, a video library, satellite television, the Student Scientific Society, sport clubs, amateur art groups, first-aid stations, modern halls of residence and canteens.

The University currently has contracts for cooperation with the Belarusian institutions of education and foreign universities on academic, methodical and scientific research issues; with specialized secondary educational establishments – in the context of integrated future specialists extension training Graduates of colleges, technical and pedagogic schools can continue their studying to get a tertiary education at extension courses.

In 2004 the University admitted for 26 full-time specialties and specializations and 8 correspondence specialties and specializations, for 4 full-time and correspondence specialties providing extension courses.

In terms of its structure the university is composed of four full-time faculties: Faculty of Education, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law & Finance and Faculty of Foreign Languages; Faculty of Pre-University training and a Faculty, providing extension and refresher courses.

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