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Часть XII. Работа с клиентом Text 1. Holiday-Making

1. Убедитесь, что Вам понятны слова и выражения, перечисленные ниже. Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь словарем.

  • a slack time

  • an inquiry

  • to have a week free

  • a complete rest

  • relaxation

  • sunbathing

  • to enjoy water-skiing

  • a boarding house

  • a sandy beach

  • a pebble beach

  • a seaside resort

  • a quiet holiday

  • to fix up

  • to arrange

  • a beaten track

  • a five-star hotel

  • a pier

  • an amuse­ment arcade

  • to do fishing

  • a gift shop

  • to be green with envy

  • a henpecked husband

  • to run up

  • to do well

  • travel bureau

  • a seaside holiday guide

  • to look forward to

  • to order

  • to suggest

  • ads

  • arrangements

  • comprehensive information

  • discount

  • folder

  • high season

  • low season

  • tour-package

  • ready-made tour package

  • tourist's guide

  • travel insurance

2. Соедините разрозненные части выражений и составных слов.


a boarding




a five-star




a slack




a sandy




an amuse­ment




to be green




a henpecked


with envy


a quiet




to enjoy




to do



3. Заполните пробелы недостающими словами из списка (Упражнение 1).

Peter Burch went into a London travel 1)________. He went up to the counter while his wife sat down at a low table and started looking at the seaside holiday guides. It was a 2)_______ time so Pe­ter had only three minutes to wait before a clerk was available to deal with his inquiries.

Peter: Good morning! My wife and I are from Canada. We are 3)_______ forward to having one week free in En­gland for a 4)_________ rest.

No sightseeing, no shopping, not even a cinema: just a relaxation and 5)__________. Golf and perhaps some salmon or trout fishing for me, and my wife 6)________ water-skiing, though that might not be available. You see, we'd like a really small quiet place with nearly empty beaches while on holiday. Plenty of sunshine, if that can be ordered. Oh, and we'd like to stay in a small 7)_________ house or perhaps on an isolated farm. Can you suggest a good place to go to?

Clerk: You'll find the quietest seaside places in Scotland or Ireland.

Peter: They'd hardly do. I think. We'd like a place not more than 70 miles from London  just in case we want to run up for a day or two to look around. How about this place called Brighton? Is there a good sandy 8)_________?

Clerk: I'm afraid not. It's a 9)_________ beach. And Brighton is a big very lively 10)_______ resort. Hardly for quiet holiday day. Perhaps a small hotel in a country village. We could probably fix up something like that for you. But it might be a job to arrange anything else.

Peter: That should do very well. Provided it's a quiet area off the 11)________ track and away from the crowds. (At that moment Mrs. Burch joined her husband at the counter)

Mrs. Burch: Do you know what I've been thinking? You re­member the Joneses were in England last year?

Peter: That's something I'll never be allowed to forget. They've never stopped talking about it ever since.

Mrs. Burch: Now, they were touring and they spent a night in a place called Blackpool. They had a room in a 12)_________ hotel on the front and said that everything was quite marvellous. Just imagine their faces when we go back and say that we've spent a week there!

Peter: That's all very well, but from what they said it didn't sound a particularly quiet place.

Clerk: It isn't, sir. It's a very popular resort, packed with peo­ple at this time of year. It's got two piers with 13)_________ arcades, hundreds of hotels and boarding 14)_________ and thousands of visitors. It's over 200 miles from London, and I've heard they've been having awful wet weather all this season.

Mrs. Burch: Oh, I expect there are lots of cinemas we could go to if it's wet. And plenty of shops to look around. You can do all the fishing you want at home. This could be fun, Peter. A swimming pool and concert hall, a wonderful dance floor, hairdressers, sunbathing and gift 15)________. Oh, Peter, wait until we tell the Joneses. They'll be 16)____________ with envy.

Peter: I suppose you'll get your own way. So much for a qui­et holiday! Why did I bother to bring my fishing rod? (As the clerk turns away he shrugs his shoulders slightly and whispers to one of his colleagues)

Clerk: You do meet some funny types in this game!

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