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7.2. Заполните таблицу, посоветовав, как следует поступить в каждой из предложенных ситуаций.

What should one do…


…if their child stumbled into trouble?


… if their child wants to self-express through risk taking?


… if their child shows the signs of using alcohol or drugs?


… if they suspect their child to be suffering from depression and anxiety?


… if their child has serious weight problems?


… if their child has a low self-esteem?


… if their child has a plenty of unsupervised free time?

7.3. Определите, истинно или ложно каждое из нижеперечисленных утверждений (относительно текста). Пометьте каждое предложение как “T (true)” или “F (false)”. Откорректируйте ложные утверждения.

1. Parents, teachers, and other adults can help troubled youth by being supportive, and by setting fair limits.

2. Risk taking is usually more common among teens than preteens.

3. Many parents believe that the risks of smoking, underage drinking, and drugs are reserved for teenagers.

4. Depression and anxiety is not so difficult and challenging when it strikes not children but adults.

5. Physical activity can help with depression and anxiety symptoms.

6. For obese children, life can be tough and troubled.

7. Your child shouldn’t know that you keep track of him.

7.4. Дайте развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. Who are more “problematic”: teens or preteens? Whose problems are more difficult to deal with?

2. Can you add some more causes for teenage and preteen problems that has not been mentioned in the text?

3. What would you do (as a future parent) to avoid teenage and preteen troubles with your own children?

8. Подготовьте развернутые высказывания (от 25 развернутых предложений) в ответ на вопросы, заданные ниже. Задание, помеченное звездочкой, выполнять не обязательно.

1. Suggest a social project that could help to solve the most acute youth problems.

2.* If you happen to know any foreigners, ask them about the most challenging youth problems typical of their country and the ways of problem-solving they use. Share this information with your groupmates/instructor.

Часть XI. Туризм как отдых Text 1. Types of Leisure Tourism

1. Убедитесь, что Вам понятны слова и выражения, перечисленные ниже. Если необходимо, воспользуйтесь словарем.

  • health-giving mineral waters

  • disease

  • gout

  • liver disorder

  • bronchitis

  • invention

  • initially

  • machinery

  • owner

  • trader

  • to comprise

  • to reflect

  • origin

  • esplanade

  • seafront

  • Promenade des Anglais

  • well-established

  • palace

  • customer

  • previously

  • to cater

  • to invent

  • to appear

  • to stay indoors

  • cuckoo clock

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