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Harry potter and philosopher´s stone


Through the trapdoor

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

sweltering – знойный, душный, жаркий

cheat [tSi:t] v – мошенничать, обманывать

snuffbox ['snAfbPks] n – табакерка

fret [fret] v – раздражаться; беспокоиться, волноваться

batty ['bxtI] a – разг. спятивший, помешавшийся, не в своём уме

lurking ['lE:kIN] a – тайный, неявный; скрытый

bloodiness ['blAdInIs] n – кровожадность

paw [pO:] n – лапа

smelly ['smelI] a – разг. дурно пахнущий; вонючий, зловонный

snare [sneq] n – силок, тенёта , западня

vicious ['vISqs] a – злой, злобный; злостный; злонамеренный

ram [rxm] v – вколачивать; втискивать; вдалбливать

bishop ['bISqp] n – шахм. слон

knight – шахм. конь

castle – шахм. ладья

dwarf [dwO:f] n – карлик

swallow ['swPlqV] n – глоток

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to rub one’s forehead

  2. to cut somebody off

  3. a fishy thing

  4. to lose one’s temper

  5. to say in exasperation

  6. to be of good (ill) omen

  7. to skulk

  8. to scoot off

  9. to grit the teeth

  10. a damp wall

  11. to wring one’s hands

  12. to pull the handle

  13. to have the knack of

  14. a helmet

  15. to show mercy to/ to have mercy on

  16. to make a sacrifice of something

  17. to checkmate

  18. not to have an ounce of sense

  19. at one gulp

III. Writing Prompts: Life at Hogwarts

Writing Prompt # 1
There are a few rules that are to be followed at this school you’re attending. Certain places are off limits, and you can’t go into the rooms of the other Hogwarts Houses. Are you good about following rules? When would you think it was justified to break one of the rules, and why?

Writing Prompt # 2 The tests at Hogwarts aren’t anything like the ones you had to take in a Muggle school. A mistake on one of these tests could blow up the desk or change your classmate into something rather unpleasant. Write a passage about the most difficult test you had to take, either in real life or in your “wizard life.” IV. Find English equivalents in the text:

  1. в будущем, в предстоящие годы

  2. по одному

  3. впопыхах, в спешке

  4. плёвое дело; пара пустяков

  5. отбросить осторожность

  6. вне пределов слышимости

  7. устранить /убрать кого-л. с дороги

  8. глаз не спускать с

  9. тихим голосом, вполголоса

  10. рассердиться, потерять самообладание

  11. растеряться, потерять голову

  12. внезапно ожить

  13. нет другого выхода

  14. иметь особые способности к чему-л.

  15. мне с ним не справиться

V. Put prepositions:

  1. to burst __ the door

  2. to put __ the quills

  3. to roll __ their parchment

  4. to jump __ his feet

  5. to think __ something

  6. a stranger turns __

  7. to fly off __ London

  8. to step __ threshold

  9. __ one gulp

VI. Say what would happen if:

  • Albus Dumbledore hadn’t left for London

  • Professor McGonagall had seen Harry and his friends again in the hall

  • Harry, Ron and Hermione had been caught

  • The friends hadn’t used the Invisibility Cloak

  • Harry hadn’t spoken to Peeves as Bloody Baron

  • Hermione had stayed in the Gryffindor House that night

  • Ron hadn’t come with Harry and Hermione

  • Harry and Hermione had taken the wrong drink

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