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2.5. The Gerund and the Infinitive

После глаголов to stop, to remember, to forget и др. может употребляться как герундий, так и инфинитив. Следует обратить внимание на различия в значениях действий, выраженных герундием и инфинитивом. Сравните:



I remember meeting him for the first time ten years ago (I met him in the past, and now I remember).

I must remember to meet him at the station this evening. (I haven’t met him yet, the meeting is in

the future).

She completely forgot answering the letter months ago. (She did not answer the letter, and then she forgot that she had done so).

She completely forgot to answer the letter. (She didn’t answer the letter, because she had forgotten to).

Ex.10. Make up sentences, matching the suggested parts:

        1. I like talking to him.

I’d like to talk to him.


  1. He paid her for doing the work.

He paid her to do the work.

just now

  1. She doesn’t like waking them up so early.

She doesn’t like to wake him up.

after it was finished.

  1. He hates being asked questions.

He hated to be asked this question.


  1. I really must stop smoking.

Every half an hour I stop work to smoke a cigarette.

Ex.11. Use Gerunds or Infinitives in place of the verbs in brackets:

1. Do not forget (to come) to the examination tomorrow. 2. I’ll never forget (to take) that examination. 3. We read these texts in class last week. Do you remember (to read ) it? 4. He forgot (to bring) his exercise-book; he left it at home. 5. Where is my dictionary? Have you forgotten (to borrow) it a fortnight ago? 6. Why are you late again? Have you forgotten (to promise) me that you would never be late again? 7. Do stop (to talk) ,I am trying to finish a letter.8. I didn’t know how to get to your Institute so I stopped (to ask) the way. 9. We stopped once (to buy) petrol and then we stopped again (to ask) someone the way. 10. He stopped (to read) the notices and asked me a question. 11. The young man stopped (to read) a notice.

Ex.12. a) Look through the following and say what the lab assistant actually did and what he didn’t do:

The lab assistant forgot switching on the engine and adding some admixture to the solution. He remembered to mix the solution thoroughly but he forgot to measure the concentration of the solution. And he also forgot being told about the dangerous properties of these substances. All this resulted in an explosion.

b) Read the following and say what actually took place:

Mister Pin was a very absent-minded man. He often forgot doing things and forgot to do them. One day his wife asked him to book tickets but he forgot to do it. Besides he forgot promising his wife to buy a new suitcase. He was greatly surprised to discover a rather large sum of money in his pocket for he forgot his wife giving it to him. But he remembered her asking him to ring her up and he remembered to do it.