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  1. Huxley, A. Brave New World. New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1946.

  2. Meerloo, J.A.M. Medication into submission: the danger of therapeutic coercion. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1955, 122, 353-360.

  3. Niebuhr, R. The Self and the Dramas of History. New York: Scribner, 1955.

  4. Oppenheimer, R. Science and our times. Roosevelt University occasional Papers, 1956, 2, Chicago, Illinois.

  5. Orwell, G. 1984. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949; New American Library, 1953.

  6. Popper, K.R. The Open Society and Its Enemies. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1945.

  7. Ratner, J. (Ed.). Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy. New York: Modern Library, 1939.

  8. Rogers, C.R. Client-Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951.

  9. Rogers, C.R., and Rosalind Dymond (Eds.). Psychotherapy and Personality Change. University of Chicago Press, 1954.

  10. Skinner, B.F. Freedom and the control of men. Amer. Scholar, Winter 1955/56, 25, 47-65.

  11. Skinner, B.F. Science and Human Behavior. New York: Macmillan, 1953. Quotation by permission of The Macmillan Co.

  12. Skinner, B.F. Walden Two. New York: Macmillan, 1948. Quotations by permission of The Macmillan Co.

  13. Whyte, W.H. The Organization Man. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1956.