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Text 1 The 20th Century: General Characteristics

He to whom the present is the only thing that is present knows nothing of the age in which he lives. To realize the nineteenth century one must realize every century that has preceded it and that has contributed to its making.

O. Wilde. The Aphorisms. Москва, из-во "Менеджер", 2001, стр.53

The twentieth century has been witness to two contradictory trends. On the one hand, it ranks as one of the bloodiest, war-ridden, and violent periods of human history. World War I, Manchuria, Ethiopia, Hitler's conquest of Europe, World War II, the Holocaust, the use of atomic weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the bloody partitioning of India and Pakistan, the Arab-Israeli Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, and more, are testimony enough to horrify any human being.

Simultaneously, […] this century has produced a normative history unique in human society, including, among other things, the attempt to control and discourage by law large-scale organized violence. In short, the international community has embarked on a normative journey to outlaw war and crimes against humanity; to make recourse to aggressive war illegal and even criminal, and barbarous treatment of citizens by state officials; indeed, to outlaw and delegitimatize all forms of violence against both human beings and nature.

World Encyclopedia of Peace. Chicago, 1999, Vol.3, p.329.

Question Session

  1. What trends does the author point out when characterising the 20th century?

  2. Could you describe in detail each of the violent historical episodes he cites?

  3. What other conflicts can you list in the sorry record?

  4. Do you share the author’s statement that the 20th century was one of “the bloodiest, war-ridden, and violent periods of human history”? How do other centuries compare with that one in terms of death toll and human misery?

  5. What legally-binding international documents were adopted to promote human rights, to outlaw apartheid and all forms of racial discrimination, to ensure the rights of women and children, to maintain peace?

  6. What international organizations were set up to further the cause of peace and human rights at the inter-governmental level?

  7. What independent organizations emerged to monitor the human rights situation in the world?

  8. What international courts were established to deal with human rights violations and crimes against humanity?

  9. Did mankind make any steps on the way to a cleaner environment in the 20th century? How did it seek to curb violence against nature?

  10. Do you share the author’s view that the 20th century produced a unique normative record?

TASK 21. Look through the text once again and try to find the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

Быть свидетелем чего-либо, противоречивые тенденции, наполненный войнами период, завоевание Европы, кровавый раздел, одновременно, помимо прочего, короче говоря, встать на путь выработки норм, объявить преступления против человечества вне закона, обращение к войне, варварское обращение с гражданами, признать незаконным (2).

TASK 22. Extend the strings by adding at least one word to each. Translate the word combinations into Russian and learn them by heart.


discourage: aggression, updating, research, smb’s attempts/efforts, corruption, …

embark on/upon: a (new) course, a (dangerous) venture, a program, a path, a mission, reforms, …

conquer: a country, a people, the enemy, one’s rivals, bad habits, vices, space, time, one’s feelings, …


trendy: authors, habits, ways, brands, …

contradictory: tendencies/trends, rumours, reports, statements, policy, figure/person, …

barbarous: cruelty, conduct, habit, ignorance, style, noise/music, ages, …

legitimate: claim, government, reason, absence, concern, …


recourse: law, perjury, force, aggression, tears, arms, …

TASK 23. Fill the blanks with the words from the preceding exercise.

  1. At the beginning of the 21st century Turkey _____ on a series of reforms, including constitutional changes, to bring some aspects of civil law more in line with EU standards.

  2. While we support the _____ right of the Palestinians to have nationhood, we condemn their _____ to terrorism.

  3. There appeared half a dozen of new _____ magazines for youth during the 1990s.

  4. Criticizing the _____ treatment of prisoners taken in the war against terrorism, Amnesty International says that such an attitude on the part of the USA threatens “to undermine the rule of law everywhere”.

  5. G. Soros, the American billionaire sent hundreds of Xerox copiers to Hungary to promote the free flow of information which the Communist Party _____ .

  6. The status of special advisers is ______. On the one hand, they are civil servants, paid by taxpayers. On the other, they are relieved of the duty of impartiality that has been at the core of Britain’s civil service since the mid-19th century.

  7. The famous Latin phrase “veni, vidi, vici” can be translated in the following way: “I came, I saw, I _____ ”.

TASK 24. Translate the following sentences into English. Make use of the words from task 21.

  1. Одновременно правительство приступает к грандиозной пенсионной реформе, которая затронет каждого четвёртого жителя страны.

  2. Обращение к силе в случае с Ираком и Ираном может иметь серьёзные последствия для отношений США с арабским миром.

  3. Вскоре после революции страна встала на социалистический путь развития.

  4. Неужели в эпоху варварства было (to be witness to) меньше слёз и страданий?

  5. Он высказал вполне оправданные опасения по поводу того, что в результате предстоящих выборов в некоторых странах на континенте Европа может откатиться (to make a lurch) вправо.

  6. Татуировки стали модными среди молодёжи лет двадцать назад.

  7. Это дело можно решить, не прибегая к суду.

  8. Это – самая противоречивая глава в книге.

  9. В последнее десятилетие 20 века Россия взяла курс на стратегическое партнёрство с Китаем и Индией и попыталась консолидировать СНГ.

  10. Гитлер завоевал Европу и заставил её работать на то, чтобы обеспечить беспрепятственное (unhindered) продвижение немецких войск на восток.

TASK 25. One of O. Wilde’s aphorisms holds, that “it is not the moment that makes the man but the man who creates the age”.

How do you understand the statement?

Do you consider it right or wrong?

In this context, take another look at the 20th century and select three historical personalities that had the greatest impact on human history in that eventful century. Think of weighty arguments to substantiate your choice.

TASK 26. Think over major developments of the 20th century. Select three historical events which, in your opinion, resulted in the most sweeping transformations of the world. Provide good reasoning of your pick.

TASK 27. “Words, too, are known by the company they keep”. (Joseph Shipley). Concentrate on the problem of word distribution (the combining capacity of words) in the Russian and English languages. Think over translation of the following phrases.

1. Принять: а. приглашение, предложение

б. новых членов в ООН

в. решение

г. поправку к конституции

д. резолюцию

е. устав

ж. проект договора

з. на себя ответственность за взрыв

и. обязанности

к. обязательства

л. какой-либо оборот (о событии)

м. участие

н. делегацию

и. мусульманство

2. Вступить: а. в новую стадию

б. в город

в. в партию

г. в должность

д. в борьбу

е. на путь реформ

ж. в силу (о договоре)

3. Проводить: а. границу

б. различие

в. в жизнь

г. выборы

д. испытание

е. рекламную кампанию

ж. последовательную политику

з. преобразования, реформы

и. международную конференцию

к. кого-либо до института

л. уезжающего

м. законопроект через парламент

4. Объявлять: а. войну

б. голодовку

в. партию вне закона

г. континент безъядерной зоной

д. забастовку

е. чрезвычайное положение

ж. в прессе о своём намерении уйти в отставку

з. результаты выборов

и. приговор

5. Устанавливать: а. дипломатические (добрососедские) отношения,  официальные контакты

б. контроль над ценами

в. срок ратификации договора

г. правила процедуры (т.е. регламент)

д. факты

е. истину

ж. памятник знаменитому композитору

з. причину аварии, смерти

и. приборы в лаборатории

к. телефон

л. время, цену

м. конечный срок для подачи декларации о доходах

TASK 28. Translate the Russian text consulting the text “The 20th Century: General Characteristics” for words and phrases.

Text 2

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