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1. Read the text. For each statement 1 to 8 below choose a) right, b) wrong or c) doesn’t say. Correct the false statements.

  1. The code of Hammurabi appeared later than the Torah.

  2. Ancient India and China represent distinct1 traditions of law and had historically independent schools of legal theory and practice.

  3. The Torah has moral rules such as the Ten Commandments, that tell people what acts are not permitted2.

  4. Roman Law developed independently of the Greek legal school.

  5. The Corpus Juris Civilis was lost through the Dark Ages, but rediscovered around the 11th century.

  6. One of major innovations in Roman law was the distinction between public law and private law.

  7. Roman law was replaced by Islamic law as a result of the Muslim invasions.

  8. Roman law had an important influence on Continental law.

2. Match the historical systems of law (1 to 8) to their distinctive characteristics (a to h).

1 ancient Egyptian law

2 Babylonian law

3 ancient Greek law

4 Roman law

5 Germanic law

6 Christian canon law

7 Muslim law

8 Feudal law


This complex legal system had major influence on the growth of Western law.


It is related to the social system of Western Europe in the Middle Ages.


This is one of the greatest of ancient codes. It is carved on a stone column.


It was based on the Bible and showed some influence of Roman law.


Dating back to 3000 BC, this system of law included a civil code based on the concepts of social equality and impartiality.


Its main source is the religion of Islam.


It contained constitutional principles based on the belief in freedom and equality between people.


One of its legal principle was the use of composition for crimes.

Grammar Review

3. Make the Comparative and the Superlative forms of the adjectives.

Model: a) easy – easierthe easiest

Small, old, early, late, new, broad, big, high, great, few, large, low.

b) popular – more popular – the most popular

Distinctive, interesting, necessary, serious, influential, beautiful, difficult, relevant, familiar.

c) good – better – the best

Bad, many, little, much.

4. Use the correct form of the adjective.

1. This part of the building is (modern) than that one. 2. Food, clothes and a house are (necessary) things for man’s life. 3. This road is (bad) than any other. 4. John Marshall was one of (important) figures in American constitutional law. 5. The news was (late) of all. 6. The situation was very (serious) and becoming (serious) every day. 7. This law is (important) for our country nowadays. 8. In primitive societies there were (few) laws than in organized societies. 9. The work of Professor N is (influential) of all that I know. 10. Egyptian law is (ancient) than Roman law. 11. The Torah is probably (old) body of law. 12. Your work is much (good) than I thought. 13. One of the world’s (small) countries is San Marino, Italy. 14. It was (bad) mistake in the history of the company. 15. The problem is (serious) than we expected. 16. Legal principles are (generalized) statements than legal rules.