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5. Speaking

Pair work. Role-play conversations on having different health problems. Give some advice. Don’t forget to sound sympathetic.

Topic 2. A visit to the doctor.

1. Warm-up

Try to recollect your last visit to a doctor.

What was your problem?

How did the doctor examine you?

What did he recommend you?

What was his attitude to you?

Did you follow the prescriptions?

How fast have you recovered?

2. Listening for gist

Listen to the conversation at the doctor’s (PT for RSE: T14 A1-6).

Decide if the statements are true, false or were not mentioned in the text.

A1 Mr Briggs often gets ill.

А2 Another name for Mr Briggs' illness is the 'kissing disease'.

A3 Mr Briggs must start taking some medicine immediately.

А4 Mr Briggs usually drinks some wine or beer in the evening.

А5 Everyone with this illness recovers within three weeks.

А6 Mr Briggs will see the doctor again next Friday.

3. Listening for details

1). Listen to the conversation once again. Answer the questions.

What were the symptoms of Mr Brigg’s disease?

How was the disease diagnosed?

What is it treated with?

Why won’t antibiotics help in this case?

What were the doctor’s recommendations for the patient?

How soon will the patient probably recover?

Can he continue working now?

How will his boss know that he is ill?

4. Lexis

1). Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) Martin hasn't quite................his illness yet.

A) recovered B) got over C) looked after D) suffered

b) Pauline.....................birth to a baby girl yesterday afternoon.

A) was B) put C) had D) gave

c) Your leg isn't broken but it is badly.......................

A) fractured B) bruised C) bandaged D) bent

d) Several angry drivers shook their.....................at me as I drove away.

A) fists B) arms C) hands D) elbows

e) That was a bad fall! Have you.....................yourself?

A) harmed B) damaged C) wounded D) hurt

f) Each time I sneezed, everyone said, '.....................you!'

A) Cough B) Bless C) Cold D) Thank

g) I had severe toothache and half my face was badly.......................

A) swollen B) rounded C) exploded D) injured

h) I've got a headache, and I don't feel very.......................

A) healthy B) fit C) sane D) well

2). Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

a) There were ten people waiting in the doctor's office/surgery/ward.

b) After I ate the shellfish, I experienced/fell/happened ill.

c) George's cut arm took over a week to cure/heal/look after.

d) David fell down the steps and twisted his ankle/heel/toe.

e) I've been digging the garden and now my back aches/pains/injuries.

f) Whenever I travel by boat I start feeling hurt/sick/sore.

g) The doctor can't say what is wrong with you until she cures/examines/recovers


h) Use this thermometer and take his fever/heat/temperature.

i) I seem to have caught/infected/taken a cold.

3). Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

A visit to the doctor's

Jim decided to visit the doctor after his trip to the jungle.

He was normally a tall (1) ……….... person, but over the past MUSCLE

month he had lost a lot of (2) .......................He had also noticed WEIGH

that his ankles and knees had become rather (3)...................... PAIN

He thought that he might have eaten or

drunk something (4).....................or caught POISON

some kind of (5).....................disease. The doctor INFECT

took some blood for tests and told Jim to go back a week

later. This time the doctor had an optimistic (6) .....................on her EXPRESS

face, and Jim felt quite (7).......................'Don't worry/ said the HEART

doctor, 'it's nothing serious. You haven't caught an (8) ..................... CURE

disease, or anything terrible like that. It's a simple virus, and

you will need some (9).......................Take these tablets twice a TREAT

day for two weeks, and you'll make a full (10) ......................' RECOVER

4). Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition.

a) I am afraid she is suffering..........an incurable disease.

b) I was.....................agony all night with earache.

c) I think you've put.....................a lot of weight lately.

d) The effect of this drug will slowly wear.......................

e) You really get.....................my nerves sometimes!

f) After Jack fainted it was several minutes before he.....................round.

g) Is Carol being operated.....................tomorrow?

h) Harry went.....................with flu during his holiday.

i) Peter was treated.....................minor injuries and shock.

j) Don't worry. I'll take care.....................you myself.

5). Seven people are talking about their medical experiences. Complete the spaces. The first letter of each space is given.

a) David

When I was playing football, I broke my ankle and was carried off the pitch on a s……. I was taken to с………., where the doctor put a p.......... cast on my leg. For the next two months I needed c........ to get around with.

b) Maria

I'm a hospital p You'll see me pushing trolleys or wheelchairs, or carrying supplies from one department to another. Typically, I collect people who've just come out of s……… , where they've had an о , and take them to their w……, where they stay and recover.

c) Sue

I was s..... on the hand by a wasp, which may sound no big deal, but I'm a …….to such things. The doctor gave me some cream and put my arm in a s……. .She said I should keep the hand exposed to the air rather than put a p………on it.

d) Kath

I've never been fat, but recently I noticed I was getting a bit f round the waist, and I happened to read an article that said I was 10 kilos о ... for my height, age and build. I wish I was 16 again. I had a lovely f. at that age. Now I really have to be selective about what I eat, although I don't believe in d

e) Clara

I've been having problems sleeping at night, and the doctor d me as suffering from i………. .It leaves me tired and dizzy during the day. Last week I actually f……..at work, and my colleagues had to give me smelling salts to bring me r

f) Bob

I've been having toothache and imagined I'd need to have a f at the dentist's. But when I went to get it checked out, she said the tooth would have to be e Well, after it was all over and the i…….. had worn off, I was in a………. for two days and had to have painkillers.

g) Hanna

I am е.... a baby in April. I quite like being p , although I have experienced a lot of morning sickness. Also I get strange c for certain foods, like I suddenly urgently need a banana or chocolate on toast. I can't say I'm looking forward to actually giving b

5. Speaking

Pair work. Role-play a visit to a doctor.

Topic 3. Disastrous holiday

1. Warm-up

Pair-work. Ask and answer whether you have ever had a holiday which was spoiled by some body ailment?

2. Listening for gist

Listen to a traveler’s story (IO uI: 61).

What was Tom’s trouble?

How could he recover?

3. Listening for details

Listen to the story once again. Answer the questions.

What was the disease Tom caught?

What were the symptoms of the disease?

How serious was Tom’s condition?

What was the treatment?

4. Lexis

Decide which answer (А, В, С or D) best fits each space.

A disastrous holiday

The day Gerald arrived at the Almara Beach Hotel, he fell (1).................the stairs. The manager called a/an (2)....................., but fortunately Gerald's leg was only badly (3) ....................., and not broken. The doctor (4).....................swimming as further (5).....................but gave Gerald a/an (6).....................for some tablets in case his leg became (7).......................The next day Gerald sunbathed by the pool, and then took a deep (8) .....................and dived into the water. There was not very much water in the pool, and he (9).....................one of his arms when he hit the bottom. This time he complained to the hotel manager, who sent a special meal to Gerald's room. Later that night, Gerald was (10).....................from a (11).....................back, the injuries to his arm and leg, and also had a terrible (12).......................He had a high (13).....................and felt terrible. Luckily he had the tablets the doctor had given him to (14).....................the pain. As he reached for them, he fell out of bed and broke his (15).......................He spent the rest of his holiday in bed.


A down

В to

С with

D for


A stretcher

В prescription

С ambulance

D emergency


A sick

В bruised

С hurt

D infected


A went

В prevented

С said

D recommended


A medicine

В cure

С drugs

D treatment


A recipe

В paper

С prescription

D order


A painful

В pained

С painless

D pain


A end

В breath

С mouthful

D water


A hurt

В injury

С ached

D sore


A ill

В injured

С suffering

D damaged


A sunny

В sunburnt

С sunshine

D grilled


A agony

В hurt

С heat

D stomachache


A pain

В temperature

С ache

D degree


A hold

В check

С rid

D reduce


A waist

В lips

С wrist

D throat

5. Speaking

Story-telling. Think of a story of a holiday which was spoiled by some serious illness. While telling try to make it as emotional as you can. Use expressions from 3 and 4.

Topic 4. Healthy lifestyle

1. Warm-up

Speak on the topic.

What do you do to keep fit?

Do you keep to some diet?

What is the role of fitness in your life?

What do you do to overcome stress?

2. Listening for gist

1). Listen to three speakers (SL: U26 E). Answer the questions.

What questions were the speakers asked?

What were their opinions on the problems asked?

2). Listen to the report “Laughter – the best medicine” (IO pI: 52). Answer the question:

What are the benefits of laughter?

3. Listening for details

1). Listen to the conversation (IO pI: 69). Answer the questions.

A. What’s the name of the health farm?

B. Why does a woman wants information?

C. What does the centre offer to the customers?

D. What do you think her husband will think about her idea?

2). Listen to Sam and Catherine talking about time when they dieted for a special occasion.

a). Find out what the special occasion was in each case?

b). Make notes about Sam and Catherine, using the table below.

Wasn’t allowed

Was allowed

Had to



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