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Пособие по грамматике.doc
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1.1 Look at the pairs of sentences. According to the first sentence in each pair, is the second sentence true or false?

1. I've long since stopped thinking of friendship in these terms.

I don't think of friendship in this way anymore.

2. Cross-generational friendships are worth pursuing.

We can gain financially by having friendships in different generations.

3. People may feel they have little or nothing in common with their counterpart and may even resent being forced to socialize with a "friend" they didn't choose.

People may not like required friendships.

4. A "best" friend is someone with whom we don't have a problem being honest or vulnerable.

It's difficult to be honest or vulnerable with a best friend.

1.2 Give extensive answers to the questions using a gerund.

1. How has the author’s perceiving friendship changed? What is it now? Does it coincide with yours?

2. Do you have convenience friends?

3. What special interests unite you with some of your friends?

4. Do you believe that cross-generational friendship worth pursuing? Why?

5. What is a best friend in your opinion?

2. Look again at the categories of friendship in the opening article. Choose one of the categories and write three or four paragraphs about a friend of yours who fits into it.


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