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6. Paraphrase the following sentences using a suggested word.

1. Someone broke the leg of one of the players. (got)

2. Andy wants a doctor to alter his nose. (have)

3. The police arrested Anna as she was leaving the shop. (got)

4. Doctors amputated the patient’s leg after the accident. (had)

5. The shop on the corner usually repairs my shoes. ( have)

6. I made sure that Tom checked all the windows before he left. (got)

7. Jim says he’ll be late because he is at the hairdresser’s. (getting)

8. Have you managed to start your work yet? (got)

9. Someone has stolen Sue’s car. (had)

7. Change the sentences using Participle II in the subordinate adverbial clauses.

1. Though she was surprised by his arrival. She didn’t show it.

2. Though he was annoyed by his failure, he continued to work hard.

3. When the letter was written, he felt a curious relief.

4. When she had done it, Margaret traveled back to fetch the boy.

5. He made undergraduates, who had arrived in London, feel that they were important.

6. If he was given the opportunity, he would make a good pianist.

7. He had sprung to action as if he was frightened.

8. When he was challenged, he denied it.

9. With an effort I took up the diary and turned the pages which were written closely.

10. After all things had been considered, there was nothing to be done.

11. He spoke when he was spoken to, politely and without much relevance.

12. The letter was illegible as if it was written in a hurry.

8. Translate into English.

1. Мне пришлось прождать два часа в больнице, чтобы запломбировать зуб.

2. Все эти годы я хранил их письма под замком.

3. Ты мог бы добиться, чтобы его уволили.

4. Он сказал, что нельзя заполнить бланк без предварительного заявления.

5. Если бы он это сделал, он мог бы оказаться отрезанным (isolated) от своей семьи.

6. Они хотели, чтобы комитет созвали в понедельник.

7. Дети играли в разрушенном коттедже.

8. У меня были собственные определённые взгляды на моё будущее.

9. Женщина вышла из магазина и пошла к машине, оставленной на стоянке.

10. Хотя её и уважали, она чувствовала себя неловко среди этих людей.

11. Хотя мы и удивились появлению нашего босса на работе в такой ранний час, мы не показали этого.

12. Мы бы хотели, чтобы потери нашей компании были официально подтверждены.

13. Вам следовало бы сберечь эти деньги на чёрный день.

14. Закончив срочную работу поздно вечером, Мартин уже собрался идти домой, но обнаружил, что дверь заперта на ключ.

9. Complete the following story by choosing the right participle.

Carla has been (interest) in dancing since she was a little girl. When she put on her own “performances” at home for her relatives, they were all (entertain) by the sight of the young girl (twirl) around in her home-made costumes. No one guessed, however, that by the age of eighteen she would be an (entertain) spectacle for a much larger audience. Carla’s family were (thrill) to attend a Royal Performance and to witness their little girl’s (excite) debut. Carla herself was more (excite) and (frighten) than she’d ever been in her life. Her climb to fame had been extremely (reward). And now, here she was, (dance) for the Queen. How (please) she felt! But the (amaze) reviews she received the next day were even more (thrill).