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1) It’s time phrase

a. The phrase it’s time can be followed by the infinitive or a for+to-infinitive construction, and is used to speak about actions for which the time has simply arrived. Such sentences always refer to the present or future, e.g.:

It’s time (for me) to start a new book. = a simple statement or fact

b. In a complex sentence it’s time is followed by a subject clause with a Present Subjunctive II form and is used to speak about actions for which the time has already gone. This form implies that it is a little late to do the action. Such sentences express reproach, mild obligation, and criticism referring to the present or future, e.g.:

It’s time we went. or It’s high (about) time we went. (to emphasize the idea)

We comment on such sentences in the following way:

It’s time you made up your mind. «Пора бы тебе уже определиться».

It’s a complex sentence with a subordinate subject clause used after it’s time expressing criticism. In the subordinate clause we use the Present Subjunctive II form of the verb to make up to refer the action to the present.

2) would rather/would sooner phrases

There is no difference between would rather and would sooner, but would rather is more often heard.

Would rather/sooner is followed by a bare Infinitive when the subject of would rather/sooner is the same as the subject of the following action. We use it to denote personal preference or choice.

Would rather/sooner can be used in simple sentences taking an Indefinite Infinitive to refer the action to the present or future or a Perfect Infinitive to refer the action to the past, e.g.:

I would sooner go there by train.

I would rather have studied harder last term.

We comment on such sentences in the following way:

I would sooner go there by train. «Я предпочёл бы поехать туда поездом».

It’s a simple sentence with a modal expression would sooner to denote personal preference. The Indefinite Infinitive is used to refer the action to the future.

I would rather have studied harder last term. «Надо было бы мне усерднее заниматься в прошлом семестре».

It’s a simple sentence with the modal expression would rather used to denote personal preference. The Perfect Infinitive is used to refer the action to the past.

Would rather/sooner can be used in a sentence where there are two different subjects. In this case in a subordinate clause we use a Present Subjunctive II form to refer the action to the present or future or a Past Subjunctive II form to refer the action to the past, e.g.:

I would rather you paid cash.

I would sooner he hadn’t heard that.

We comment on such sentences in the following way:

I would rather you paid cash. «Я бы предпочёл, чтобы ты заплатил наличными».

It’s a complex sentence with a subordinate object clause introduced by the modal expression would rather used to denote personal preference. In the subordinate clause we use the Present Subjunctive II form of the verb pay to refer the action to the future.

I would sooner he hadn’t heard that. «Я бы предпочёл, чтобы он этого не слышал». («Как жаль, что он это услышал»)

It’s a complex sentence with a subordinate object clause introduced by the modal expression would sooner used to denote personal preference. In the subordinate clause we use the Past Subjunctive II form of the verb hear to refer the action to the past.