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4. A) Rewrite these notes in full form.

1. Meet Rosalia Tues @ 3 p.m.

2. Send Mauro info re sales figs asap.

3. Can sb go to HQ on Thurs a.m.?

4. Urgent meeting Mon a.m. re sales & stock figs.

5. Ring Gina asap – NB out after 2.

b) Put these sentences into note form.

1. Please call Adriano about the meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

2. Headquarters want some information about the number used each year.

3. Simon needs figures for the presentation, for example, the budget figures compared with the sales figures for September.

4. There will probably be about 200 people at the conference in February.

5. Note that the Managing Director will be away from Tuesday to Thursday.

c) Work in pairs and write a five-sentence business message in a shorten form. Exchange your messages with another pair and try to reconstruct their message in full form.

5. Here are some ways of finishing a conversation without sounding abrupt (rude).

  • See you on Friday then. - Yes, I'll look forward to seeing you on Friday.

  • I'm going to have to go now.

  • I've got to go to a meeting. - (It's been) good talking to you.

  • I've got to go and see someone.

  • (It's been) nice talking to you. - Nice talking to you.

  • Good to talk to you. Talk to you soon, no doubt.

  • We'll be (back) in touch soon. - Thanks for calling/phoning

  • Look forward to hearing from you soon.

6. Change these conversations so that they are correct and more polite.


A: I want to speak to Mrs Lee.

B: That's me but I'm busy.

A: Sven Nyman talking. I want to talk about your order.

B: Call me back later.


A: Are you James Cassidy?

B: No. Who are you?

A: Annelise Schmidt. Is James Cassidy there and, if he is, can I speak to him?

B: He can't speak to you. He's in a meeting. Give me a message.

A: He has to call me as soon as possible.


A: Nice talking to you. See you on Wednesday.

B: See you Wednesday. Thanks for calling. Bye.


A: I'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow, then.

B: Talk to you soon, no doubt. Bye.


A: It's been good talking to you. I'm going to have to go. I've got to go to a meeting.

B: Nice talking to you. I'll be in touch soon.


A: See you this afternoon at four, then.

B: Yes, we'll be back in touch soon.


A: I'm going to have to go.

B: OK. Talk to you soon, no doubt. Bye.

7. A) Here are some ways of making and changing arrangements. Complete the dialogues.

  1. Can/Shall we fix/arrange an appointment/a meeting?

Would it be useful to meet up soon?

  1. I'll (just) get / check my diary

  2. How about Monday?

What about Tuesday?

Would Wednesday be suitable?

Would Thursday suit you?

Shall we say Friday?

  1. That's fine.

I can't / won't be able to make Monday.

I've got to (+ infinitive) / a (+ noun) ...

  1. I can't make Tuesday (Tuesday is not possible). Something has come up (has occurred to prevent our meeting). I've got to go over to Berlin to see a client. How about Wednesday?

  2. I think we said Thursday at 11. Can you make the afternoon instead? (Is it possible for you to meet in the afternoon?)

  3. We're going to have to change our arrangement for the 15th. Can we put it off (delay it) till the 22nd? I'd completely forgotten we have a departmental meeting that day.

  4. I'm afraid Monday won't be possible after all. I'm going to be very busy that day. What about the following week?

  5. We're going to have to put back (delay) our meeting. I'm completely snowed under (very busy) at the moment. Can we leave it open (decide not to fix a day) for the time being? I'll get back in touch (contact you again) when I'm not so busy.

b) Match these replies (1-5) to the things (E-I) the people say above.

  1. I suppose so: it would have been good to meet. Look forward to hearing from you when you're less busy.

  2. The 22nd ... I'm going to be on holiday. What about the 29th?

  3. The afternoon would be no problem. How about at three?

  4. Wednesday's going to be difficult. Can you make the next day?

  5. Yes, the same day the following week would be fine.

8. a) Annelise Schmidt (AS) gets through to James Cassidy (JC) and arranges to meet him. Reorder their conversation.

a AS: Fine thanks. I'm going to be in London on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. How about meeting up to discuss how Megabook and Sprenger might work together?

b AS: Hello. This is Annelise Schmidt. You remember we met at the Frankfurt Book Fair last month?

c AS: Look forward to seeing you then. Bye.

d AS: Sounds good. Shall I meet you at your office? I've got the address.

e AS: Yes, that's fine.

f JC: James Cassidy.

g JC: Goodbye.

h JC: I'll just check my diary. I won't be able to make Tuesday. I've got to go to Manchester. Would Wednesday suit you? How about lunch?

i JC: OK. See you on Wednesday at 12.30, then. j JC: Yes, how are you?

k JC: Yes. Why don't you come round here at about 12.30? Ask for me at reception and I'll come down.

b) Put the sentences in this conversation into the correct order. Number the boxes. Then read it with a partner to check your answers.

Yes, it’s off. It was Ok for me, but Christophe has got to go to the States.

Ok. I’ll pencil it in and wait to hear from you, then.

I don’t know. I’ll get in touch with him and find out.

Has something come up, then?

Claudia Cavosi

I was going to London, but I could put it off.

Could we? Would the Wednesday of the week after suit you?

Claudia, this is Heinrich. Bad news about next week’s meeting, I’m afraid.

Thanks, Claudia. Sorry to put you out like this.

Yes, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

It’s no problem. Can Christophe make it, though?

He’s a difficult man to pin down, isn’t he? Do you want to fix another time?

c) Think of another way to say the sentences below. Use these multiword verbs from the conversation above.

to put someone out to get in touch with someone

to put something off to come up

to be off to pin someone down

to pencil something in

1. Could we write a provisional date in our diaries?

2. I’m sorry to upset your plans like this.

3. I’m afraid the conference is cancelled.

4. Something unexpected has happened and I can’t make it.

5. We’ll have to delay the meeting.

6. I can’t make them decide exactly what they’re going to do.

7. I need to contact my lawyer.


1. a) You are the manager of a rapidly growing company. When you returned to the office after a recent conference, eight messages had been left for you. Which should you return first? Put the calls in order of importance.

While you were out…

  1. Larry Jaudal of CML Distribution - said it was nice to meet you at the conference. Has some questions about pricing and commission. Please contact him asap.

  2. Bill called - he’s ill and won’t be able to do Friday’s presentation about our Internet strategies to MCP Ltd. Wants you to call MCP to explain and arrange new dates.

  3. Problem with the staff party for Jane’s retirement – the restaurant we wanted is booked for that night. Call Josy Turner (manager of Coco’s) to re-arrange.

  4. Pat Partridge of ALT Design and Print - there’s a problem with the visuals for our new brochure. Too many and too small. Please call to discuss which pictures you want to keep in.

  5. Jan Hoover CFI - not happy with our recent work. Is asking for a discount or might use another company in future.

  6. Pete Landsdown from World of Work Ltd - will be 2 days late with our order. Has delivery problems.

  7. Margot Buno of IST in Munich is interested in co-operating with us on a new venture. Can she visit when she’s in England next week?

  8. Your mother called.

b) Roleplay your three most important phone calls from exercise a) with your partner. Use the following expressions.

Could I speak to …, please? How can I help?

I’m returning your call. I got your message.

I’m phoning to/about … I’m very sorry …

I apologise for the inconvenience. I’m interested in …

We need to … as soon as possible. I understand there’s a problem with …

One possible solution is to …

I’m looking forward to doing business with you.