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Process information and create information environment, covering material production, social environment and services include: development of information technology and technologies that ensure the production, processing and distribution of information, development of infrastructure that provides application and development tools and processes information, production of the information, information products and services.

The development of modern information infrastructure should provide users with a wide set of information and computing services with access to local and remote machine resources, technologies and databases.

Information resources is formalized ideas and knowledge, different data, methods and means of accumulation, storage and exchange between sources and consumers of information. When information refers to information about objectively existing facilities and processes and their relationships and interactions are available for practical use in the activity.

At all stages of the development of society information technologies provide information exchange between individuals, groups, institutions reflect the appropriate level and the possibility of recording systems, storage, processing and transmission of information and synthesis methods have been operating rights to the information in the interests of a particular sphere of activity. The development of computer and related other equipment, as well as various information technology is continuous, they are closely interrelated and constantly reinforced development processes.


1.O. J. Gajewski "Information: 7-11 cells." Training. important among. - K.: ASK Publishing, 2003.

2.Elektronnyy resource: myrefs.org.ua /

3.O. I. Pushkar "Information. Computing. Computer technology "Kyiv, publishing center" Academy ", 2002


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