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1. Створити особисту електронну поштову скриньку

2. Зробити комп’ютерний переклад тексту реферату з української на англійську мову. Відредагувати. Entry

Today we live in time, when the newest technologies get to all spheres of our life : home, in schools, offices, and even in the sphere of entertainments and rest. Now it is practically impossible to avoid the uses of these technologies, ignore them, as they not only give an opportunity of more complete informative comfort in all spheres of life and activity, and are the necessary condition of further development of society and, in particular, realization of human possibilities and forming of career of young specialists. Yes, scientific and technical progress in the whole world becomes all anymore dependency upon the level of information technologies, that used.

The personal computer shows a soba a fully independent device in that there are needments for autonomous existence. However computer activity would be inferior without such simple will build on on the face of it, as a printer. A printer is needed for making of the paper copies of documents, prepared on a computer. On sunset the computing engineering printers were used as a basic device of leadingout of information - monitors by then were yet imperfect and small widespread.

Now a printer can be seen in every office, many domestic users have an ink-jet printer for printing of photos and postals, in cashdesks and banks to the matrix printers tickets are printed, documents and others like that.

Matrix printer

A matrix printer(Dot - Matrix - Printer) during great while was the default device of leadingout for PC.At that time, when ink-jet printers worked yet unsatisfactorily, and a cost of laser was high enough, these printers were everywhere used with computers They ше are often used and Advantages of matrix printers are determined today, first of all, by speed of printing 1 their universality they work as with any paper, and also have a low cost of printing

There are 4 types of matrix printers 9-. 18 - and 24-needle printers and string printer

At the choice of printer always take into account tasks, that will be before him put If a printer that must whole day continuously to print different formulars is needed, or speed of printing is more important, than quality, then an alternative for today is not a matrix printer.

In general this printer is more universal printer during work with a paper, than laser or stream, for that, as a rule, impossible use of paper in a roll.

To the parameter "speed of printing" it is necessary to belong carefully. Manufacturers always specify theoretical speed of printing, id est maximally possible speed of the draft(Draft) mode, quality of printing does not act part here. LQ- printing for matrix printers lasts usually longer. Yet longer it will be to expect a -. printing of graphic arts, because here the set of signs is not read from internal memory(ROM) of printer, and every printed point must to settle accounts.

Matrix printers are equipped by internal memory(by a buffer) that takes data over PC. The volume of memory of inexpensive matrix printers folds вш 4 to 64 КБ. Although there are models that have a greater volume of memory.

A matrix printer is a mechanical device, and work of mechanical knots is always accompanied by noise.

Ink-jet printer

History of development of the stream printing counts a few decades. A general idea, on the whole, remained all the time unchanging is causing of liquid paint on a paper or other material. The offered methods were very much. In a result four independent directions were formed in development of the stream printing, each of that has both irrefutable advantages and defects.

The most early technology that did the stream printing accessible and comparatively cheap was technology of "dry inks" . Under act of high temperature the particles of solid ink were melted and force-feed inflicted on a paper. This method to is this day used in calculators and some types of printers. The interesting variant of this method that got the name printing appeared for today.

Second variety of the stream printing - is technology - on the whole analogical to previous, but uses liquid inks.

But basic modern technologies of the stream printing are piezoelectric and "bubble" technologies.

The first from them uses the phenomenon of piezoelectricity for causing of inks on a paper(tape). It allows very exactly to position the particles of dye, however requires difficult and expensive .

"Bubble" technology consists in causing of dye by the extrusion of particles of inks from резервуара by means of phial of gas that appears inwardly картриджа as a result of sharp local increase of temperature and pressure.

Exactly appearance and industrial realization of "bubble" technology of the stream printing were reason of splash of demand on ink-jet printers at first одноколірні, and afterwards practically always.

Today in the whole world stream devices went out into first place after the volumes of sale. Printers are practically noiseless, with lightness carry out the coloured printing. The paper-lists got by means of ink-jet printers have a high discriminability of photographic quality.

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