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4.B Successful advertising campaign. (Nike)

Any advertising campaign is a multi-component system including specific aims, media, methods and tools chosen according to the product and target audience.

The conventional approach to making an advertising campaign successful is based on the idea that you must answer three questions: when to advertise, where to advertise and how to advertise.

3 key elements for a successful advertising campaign are Good product, Good ad format, Advertise at the right place.

Having answered all these questions, you will definitely get public attention.

Nike - an example of a successful advertising campaign. Its approach is to answer at least three more questions:

  1. The first is who will be involved(Nike is famous for its strategy to use celebrity athlete endorsement)

  2. The second question is to what degree a brand should have nationality(So Nike tries to keep the balance between global and local advertising)

  3. And the third question is how truthful your commercial should be(Nike’s principle is “an honesty about sport”, they show only what sportsmen can really do).

4.C Planning an advertising campaign

The Correct Plan of Effective Advertising Campaign includes:

  1. Defining the Target Market

  2. Selecting the Right Advertising Media

  3. Planning When to Run Your Advertising Campaign

  4. Frequency of Your Advertising Campaign

  5. Establishing Your Campaign Budget

  6. Setting Up Your Advertising Schedule

When it is on the market, you have to track how it is working, to analyze the feedback and probably make changes.

The aim of any advertising campaign is to impress the customer. And lack of planning leads to loss of money.

5.A The concept of leadership. Are leaders born or made?

The concept of leadership is interpreted in different ways by different companies.

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to achieve goals and improve the organization. Leaders use certain tools such as beliefs, ethics, character, knowledge and skills.

A position of a manager doesn’t make you a leader, it simply makes you the boss. Leadership is not managing people, it is making them want to do their best.

Good leaders are made not born. But in my opinion, they are not made but self-made. As Harold Geneen put it "Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned." If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience.

5.B Leadership Styles

There are three basic styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic and free rein.

The effectiveness of the leadership styles depends on several factors (type of employees, the abilities of the manager and the situation itself).

But all leadership styles have one thing in common and that is the task of a leader. As Henry Kissinger put it “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been."




для кого подойдет?

Autocratic leaders

..make all the decisions and then tell employees what must be done and how to do it

decisions are made quickly

ideas of employees are not respected

for unskilled, unmotivated employees

Democratic leaders

..allow their employees to take part in decision-making

consider the employees’ points of view

the decision-making process slower, however

for highly skilled, trained, and motivated employees

Free-rein leaders

.. let their employees work without much supervision. Such leaders set performance standards but people decide how to achieve them.

a powerful motivator (because it shows a lot of trust to employees)

for highly skilled, trained, and motivated employees

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