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Do you know the ways in which charities raise money from the public? Speak about a worthy cause you would give your money to (11).

There are so many things we need to raise money for, isn’t it? For school, for something that we want to buy and people who work for social groups have more reasons than we can ever think of. There are many ways in which they can raise money for a particular cause. For example, they organize Bake Sales. This is an age-old way to raise money. All money is used for the charity proceeds.

Some people give money for a special purpose. F.ex, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals got 2 million from an animal lover to help them prosecute people who were guilty of cruelty.

Many charities get letters from poor people enclosing just fifty pence or a pound. The Government, the armed forces or commercial firms sometimes help charities by providing helicopters and transport. Some people leave all their money to charities when they die. Some celebrities give the royalties to charities.

There are different ways to collect money for charity. In many British towns and cities, you can see people collecting money in a tin. You usually get a badge or sticker if you help.

Volunteers put collecting envelopes through the door of homes and return to collect them. Charities send letters and brochures asking for help.

And I’m glad that people of all ages take part in sponsored events.

There are a lot of charities which are very important, such as Help the Aged, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, National society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children and many others. Thanks to them there’s a possibility to save many people’s and animal’s lives.

But I think that the most deserving charity is A group that protest against experiments on animals.

So if I had a lot of money I would donate to this organization, because a major problem of today is the cruel acts against test animals in classrooms and labs. These animals are being tortured to death by substances such as drugs, cosmetics diseases, tobacco, alcohol, and other poisons.

In high schools around the world hundreds and thousands of animals are killed and dissected in science and biology classes simply to learn the anatomy of a frog or rat for example. For what reason do they teach this? In the most of these cases children are forced to do it. And if they chose not to do these cruel acts, they will get a bad marks. So I don’t know why our education system still makes us do this.

It’s strange that after years of science and technology we still use there unreliable and cruel sources to find out little or no information about cures for diseases. And it’s a pity that all this time they couldn’t find another ways instead of using all these inhumane test on all.

That’s why I think that the help of this organisation is really necessary. And I will be sure to help them.

Have you ever given money to charity or worked for a charity? Which charities or charitable causes do you consider the most deserving?(12)

I give money to charity only one time. It was when one boy of our University needed an expensive operation. And I’ve never worked for a charity. But if I have money, I will give money to the organisation which named A group that protest against experiments on animals.

So if I had a lot of money I would donate to this organization, because a major problem of today is the cruel acts against test animals in classrooms and labs. These animals are being tortured to death by substances such as drugs, cosmetics diseases, tobacco, alcohol, and other poisons.

In high schools around the world hundreds and thousands of animals are killed and dissected in science and biology classes simply to learn the anatomy of a frog or rat for example. For what reason do they teach this? In the most of these cases children are forced to do it. And if they chose not to do these cruel acts, they will get a bad marks. So I don’t know why our education system still makes us do this.

It’s strange that after years of science and technology we still use there unreliable and cruel sources to find out little or no information about cures for diseases. And it’s a pity that all this time they couldn’t find another ways instead of using all these inhumane test on all.

That’s why I think that the help of this organisation is really necessary. And I will be sure to help them.

You are a doctor. Speak about the importance of first aid and the trident of coming interests. (5)

Do you agree that correct first aid treatment can save lives? What do you know about basic first aid? (6)

First aid is terribly important and you can save lives if the right action is taken. Ninety percent of first aid common sense, and only ten percent is specialist knowledge. If someone isn’t breathing, you must given them artificial respiration. If the person is bleeding, the bleeding must be stopped.

Medical help must of course be sought and someone must decide whether the victim can be taken to hospital, or whether, given the nature of their particular accident, the victim would be left alone.

There’re a lot of injuries. As for burns, you need to decide first of all how bad it is. If it’s a minor burn, the best thing to do is put the burnt area under the cold tap. Or slowly pour on iced water. If it’s a bad burn, you shouldn’t touch it, you really should get for this kind of burn expert help immediately/ You should cover the burn very lightly with something clean like a shut or a handkerchief and then go straight to a hospital.

Some people do the wrong things such as put cream or grease or butter on, and this fact makes the burn hotter.

If the patient needs an operation, you should call on ambulance. You shouldn’t give drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, because the doctors can’t give an anaesthetic. If the patient complains of thirst, he should wash his mouth with water and not swallow.

Qt the scene of a car accident there are three things which you must do. First of all you should check that the victims are breathing. If they’re not, you should give artificial respiration. The most common injuries in car accidents in fact are fractures and bleeding, so the second thing to do is stop bleeding. Thirdly, very important you shouldn’t move the victim unless it’s absolutely necessary. If any bones are broken, the injury can be made much worse by moving the victim.

You should keep them warm, loosen any tight clothing, and try to reassure them. They’ll probably be suffering from shock, so just stay with them until expert help arrives.

It’s important not to freeze and panic when faced with a crisis.

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