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Внимательно прочитайте вопрос.

  1. В части 1 из приведенных ответов выберите один правильный ответ

  2. В части 2 в вопросах 12-13 найдите соответствие, в вопросах 14-16 установите последовательность предложений, а в вопросах 17-20 выберите правильную форму глагола

  3. В части 3 прочитайте данный текст и из приведенных ответов выберите один правильный ответ

Время выполнения задания – ____45____ минут

№ п\п

Текст вопроса

Варианты ответа

Часть 1


Предложение «Я впервые увидел этот фильм в 1988 » звучит по-английски следующим образом:

a) In 1988 this film I saw first

b) I first saw in 1988 this film

c) This film first I saw in 1988

d) I saw this film first in 1988


В предложении: «The baby woke up twice in ___ night» ставиться неопределенный артикль?

a) да

b) нет


Выберите артикль в предложении: «____Volga is the longest river in Europe»

a) –

b) The

c) A

d) An


Выберите предложение с обратным порядком слов: not, now, a, they, discussing, problem, are.

a) They not are discussing a problem now

b) They discussing a problem are not now

c) They are not discussing a problem now

d) They now discussing are not a problem


Вставьте соответствующеe степень сравнения прилагательного: «Michelangelo Buonarroti was ____ artists in history»

a) one of the most famous

b) one of the famousest

c) the most famous one

d) the more famous


Вставьте пропущенное слово в предложении: «While she ____ across the road she fell and twisted her ankle »

a) ran

b) was running

c) had ran

d) has run


Какой модальный глагол нужно использовать в предложении: «Ты должен бросить курить!»

a) may

b) can

c) have

d) must


Вставьте пропущенное слово: «There is not ____ sense in what you suggest.»

a) many

b) little

c) much

d) few


Sugar относится к неисчеляемым существительным

a) да

d) нет


Как читается дата «April 12, 200

a) The twelfth April, two thousand one

b) On April the twelfth, two thousand one

c) April the twelve, two thousand one

d) On the twelve of April, two thousand one

Часть 2


Как переводиться на английский язык «В левом углу комнаты стоял книжный шкаф»?



Сопоставьте пословицы и их эквиваленты на английском языке:

1. As welcome as a storm

2. April weather

3. Time is the great healer

4. Small rain lays great dust

5. There is a time to speak and time to be silent

a)То смех, то слезы

b)Посеешь ветер, пожнешь бурю

c)Время лечит

d)Неожиданный гость хуже татарина

e)Всему свое время


К какому типу вопроса относятся данные предложения:

1) Does the train start at 5 or 6?

2) What do you know about the history of London?

3) Let’s go there tomorrow, shall we?

4) Don’t you see it?

5) What helps you in your work?

a) Disjunctive

b) Alternative

c) To the subject


e) Special


Расположите дни недели на английском языке в правильной последовательности:


b) Wednesday

c) Saturday

d) Monday

e) Thursday

f) Sunday

g) Tuesday


Найдите русские эквиваленты слов:

  1. pie

  2. chips

  3. rice

  4. sweets

  5. mustard

  6. vinegar

  7. sauce

a) рис

b) конфеты

c) соус

d) чипсы

e) горчица

f) пирог

g) уксус


Расположите даты в хронологической последовательности:

a)The first of March nineteen seventy – six

b)The fifth of December two thousand

c)The sixteen of May nineteen five

d)The third of July nineteen hundred

fTwenty second of December twenty twenty four


Выберите правильный предлог в данном предложении: «My friend is interested ____ medicine»



Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола: « One evening Mr. Green ____his car along a country road»



Выберите правильную форму глагола play: «Usually I ____the violin but now I ____the piano»



Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме:

Ronald and Mary ____(drive) a quiet country road in Southern England. They ___(be) jn the way to Westberry. It ___(be) nearly midnight. «Ron! Look over there! There ___(be) something in the sky. What ___(de) it?» - « I ___ (not know) what it __(be). It ____(be) probably a plane». – «I____(not think) so. It ___(be) too big and too bright». – «Oh, no!»- «What 's the matter?» - «The engine ____(stop)»- «Why ____it ___ (stop)?»

Часть 3

Read the text and do the tasks below.

Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. The author of all the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur was in Paris. He was going from the railroad sta­tion to the hotel where he decided to spend the night. He ar­rived at the hotel, got out of the taxi and paid the taxi-driver.

«Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle» - said the taxi-driver smiling.

«Oh, do you know who I am? » - said Sir Arthur. He was very surprised.

«Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the south of France. The train on which you arrived came from the south of France. I also noticed that your hair was last cut by a barber in the south of France».

«Your clothes, and especially your hat, told me that you were English. 1 put all this together and realized at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle».

«That is wonderful» - said Sir Arthur. «With so few facts you were really able to know me?»

«Of course” - said the taxi-driver – «your name is on both your traveling bags. That also helped».


Finish the sentence. The text is about…

a) Sherlock Holmes in Paris.

b) the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.

c) the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories.

d) the railroad station hotel.


Choose the true sentence.

a) Sherlock Holmes spent the night at the hotel.

b) Conan Doyle decided to spend the night in Paris.

c) The taxi-driver did not recognize Conan Doyle.

d) Conan Doyle came to Paris from the north of France.


Choose the false sentence.

a) Conan Doyle was angry with the taxi-driver. b) Conan Doyle came to the hotel in a taxi.

c) The taxi-driver thanked Conan Doyle smiling.

d)The newspapers wrote about Conan Doyle's visit to Paris.


The word «wonderful» in the text means:

a) красиво

c) замечательно

b) ужасно

d) удобно


Choose the appropriate ending of the sentence

The taxi-driver read in the newspaper that Conan Doyle

a) was coming to Paris from the south of France.

b) was coming to the south of France from Paris.

c) arrived at the hotel in a taxi.

d) had many traveling bags with him.

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