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Время выполнения задания – ____45____ минут

№ п\п

Текст вопроса

Варианты ответа

Часть 1


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

______not a single light in the building.

a) It is

b) This is

c) There is

d) Here is


Исключите лишнее слово:

a) onions

b) knowledge

c) scissors

d) carrots


Выберите подходящую форму глагола:

They ____lunch when I telephoned.



c)were eating

d) have been eating


Выберите подходящее местоимение

____usually go to see ____on Sunday.

a) My, they

b) Me, their

c) They, them

d) I, their


Закончите предложение «Tell me what_________»

a) do you want me to bay for you

b) you want me to bay for you

c) do you want me bay for you

d) you want me bay for you


Верно ли утверждение, что времена группы Continuous употребляется для выражения длительного действия, и длившегося известный период времени, включая этот момент.

a) да

b) нет


Выберите верный перевод предложения:

I shell be reading the newspaper while you are writing your grammar exercises

a) Я буду читать газету, в то время как вы будете писать грамматические упражнения

b) Я читаю газету, в то время как вы пишете грамматические упражнения

c) Я читал газету, в то время как вы писали грамматические упражнения

d) Я буду читать газету, в то время как вы пишете грамматические упражнения


Найдите превосходную степень прилагательного «маленький»

a) little

b) (the) least

c) less

d) (the) latest


Порядковые числительные образуются при помощи суффикса teen?

a) да



Правильно образуйте притяжательный падеж существительных из данных слов:

The book\ my good friend

a)My good friend the book

b) The books my good friend

c) My good friends the book

d) The book of my good friend


Предложение «Алупка – красивое место на черном море» звучит по-английски следующим образом:

a) Alupka – beautiful place on the black sea

b) On the Black Sea beautiful place is a Alupka

c) Beautiful place on the Black Sea is a Alupka

d) Alupka is a beautiful place on the black sea

Часть 2


Найдите английские эквиваленты слов:

  1. свекровь

  2. свекор

  3. теща

  4. тесть

  5. невестка

  6. зять

  7. двоюродный брат /сестра


b) mother-in-law (wife's mother)

c) mother-in-law (husband's mother)

d) son-in-law

e) cousin

f) father-in-law (wife's father)

g) father-in-law (husband's father)


Найдите правильное соответствие:

1. All cats are grey in the dark

2. The bait hides the hook

3. A bird may be known by its song

4. Small rain lays great dust

5. A cat may look at a king

a) All cats are grey in the dark

b) The bait hides the hook

c) A bird may be known by its song

d) Small rain lays great dust

e) A cat may look at a king


Поставьте слова в правильной последовательности:

a) pupil

b) I

c) to be

d) know


f) him

g) good

h) a


Как переводиться на английский язык предложение «Зимой в Москве очень холодно»?



Закончите предложение «There are a lot of books on the shelves,_______?



Поставьте вопросы к данным предложениям:

1) We always see the New Year in at home (General)

2) It is time you went to bed (Alternative)

3) Cold weather was not expected to set in so soon (To the subject)

4) A big group of constructors was reported to have been sent to that area (Special)

5) There are two dogs in the centre of the park (Disjunctive)







Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме:

A grasshopper ____ (spend) the summer. One day he ___ (see) an ant. She ____ (look tired) and hot. «Way ____ (be) you ____ (work) on such a lovely day?» - asked the grasshopper.

«I____ (collect) food for the winter» - the ant said and _____ (go) on her way. She ____ (join) all the other ants _____ (carry) food to their store. The grasshopper ___ (sing) another song and ___(go) on dancing.

Часть 3

Read the text and do the tasks below.

The tradition of using a fir-tree for winter celebrations is very old. We know that there were trees decorated with toys in Roman times. Later it became part of the celebration of the Chris­tian Christmas. The German Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's hus­band, brought this tradition to England. He and the Queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841. A few years after nearly every house in the country had a Christmas tree.

At Christmas a giant fir-tree stands in Trafalgar Square in front of the National Gallery. It is a present from the people of Norway. Every winter they cut down a tree and send it to London. Whole families come to look at it. Here is a Christmas tree bigger than any they have ever seen in their lives.

Traditionally, people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve — that is December 24th. They hang lights and coloured balls on the branches and put a star at the top. They lay presents under the Christmas tree. Young children are told that Santa Claus will bring them presents if they are good. Children hang a Christmas stocking at the foot of their beds or near the fireplace. They often borrow one of their father's golf socks because they are the biggest. Santa Claus is supposed to come in the night from Lapland. He climbs down the chimney and fills the stockings with presents.


Finish the phrase. The text is about

a) celebrating Christmas in Roman times.

b) the giant Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.

c) celebrating Christmas in England.

d) Santa Claus bringing presents for children.


Choose the true sentence.

a) The Romans decorated trees with toys.

b) Prince Albert brought a fir-tree from Rome.

c) Queen Victoria refused to celebrate Christmas in 1841.

d) The Royal family had a Christmas tree at Buckingham Palace.


Choose the false sentence.

a) The National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square.

b) Nobody comes to Trafalgar Square at Christmas.

c) Many families have a Christmas tree in England.

d) People decorate their trees on 24th of December.


Choose the right answer. Why do people come to Trafalgar Square?

a) They come to look at the National Gallery.

B) They want to put presents under the Christmas tree.

c) They want to look at the Christmas tree.

d) They come to meet the people of Norway.


The word «present» in the text means

a) настоящий

b) присутствующий

c) подарок

d) дарить

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