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ФГОУ ВПО «Уральская академия государственной службы»

Челябинский институт

Английский язык

Учебное пособие для заочного отделения специальности

030501.65 «Юриспруденция»


Грош Е.В.

Меньшикова Н.Б.

Шаронова В.Б.



Английский язык: Учебное пособие. Сост.: Грош Е.В., Меньшикова Н.Б., Шаронова В.Б. – Челябинск, ЧИ УрАГС, 2010. – 53 с.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов заочного отделения, обучающихся по специальности 030501.65 «Юриспруденция».

Утверждено на заседании кафедры русского и иностранных языков ЧИ УрАГС. Протокол № 1 от 30.08.2010.


UNIT I. People in business 3

Grammar: Глагол to be, to have

Speaking: Meeting people, personal information

Text: Biography

UNIT II My friend and I 12

Grammar: Способы выражения принадлежности. Притяжательные местоимения

Speaking: Speaking about smb’s friend

Text: My friend and I

UNIT III. My office 18

Grammar: Оборот “there is” (there are) в Present, Past, Future Simple Предлоги места: in, on, at, under, near.

Speaking: Speaking about smb’s office, getting information about hotels

Text: Arranging accomodation

UNIT IV. My Company 26

Grammar: Present Simple (I)

Speaking: Speaking about a company

Text: Michelin

UNIT V. My working day 33

Grammar: Present Simple (II), числительные, предлоги времени

Speaking: Speaking about smb’s working day

Text: Michael Dell’s working day

UNIT VI. Reporting on a trip 36

Grammar: Past Simple (I)

Speaking: Reporting on a trip

Text: The diary of Pierra Macaluso

UNIT VII Russia’s Legal System 42

Grammar: Времена группы Continuous

Text: Russia’s Legal System(Part I)

UNIT VIII Russia’s Legal System (Part II) 45

Grammar Participle I, II

Text: Russia’s Legal System (Part II)

UNIT I. People in business

Speaking: Meeting people, personal information

Text: Biography

Grammar: Глагол to be, to have


Спряжение глагола to be

Present Simple глагола to be

Past Simple глагола to be

Future Simple глагола to be


Отрицание (полная форма)

Отрицание (краткая форма)


I shall be

We shall be

You will be

He will be

She will be

They will be

It will be

I shall not be

We shall not be

You will not be

He will not be

She will not be

They will not be

It will not be

I shan’t be

We shan’t be

You won’t be

He won’t be

She won’t be

They won’t be

It won’t be

Shall I be?

Shall We be?

Will You be?

Will He will be?

Will She will be?

Will They will be?

Will It will be?

Read and remember the following expressions with the verb to be

To be absent – отсутствовать

To be afraid of – бояться

To be angry – сердиться

To be busy (to be free) – быть занятым (свободным)

To be cold – мерзнуть

To be fond of – увлекаться

To be glad – радоваться

To be hungry – хотеть есть

To be nervous – нервничать

To be ill – болеть

To be interested in – интересоваться

To be late for – опаздывать

To be mistaken – ошибаться

To be present – присутствовать

To be proud of – гордиться

To be sleepy – хотеть спать

To be tired – устать

To be in time for – приходить вовремя

To be thirsty - хотеть пить

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Petrov and Ivanov are at the conference in Moscow.

  2. Are Petrov and Ivanov at the conference in Moscow?

  3. Petrov and Ivanov are not at the conference in Moscow, they are in Kiev.

  4. My aim is to master English.

  5. Where was Bill two minutes ago? – He was in the library.

  6. Are your parents well?

  7. Are we in the room?

  8. I’m interested in politics.

  9. Нe is usually tired after work.

  10. They are nervous before exams.

  11. Children are afraid of big dogs.

  12. We are never in time for work.

  13. They will be busy on Monday.

  14. He is very sleepy in the evening.

  15. At three o'clock in the afternoon we are free.

  16. You are mistaken, he is not fond of sport.

  1. Are you cold? – No, I’m not.

  1. Why are you angry? – Because I’m hungry.

  1. What were you fond of when you were at school? – I was fond of music.

  1. He will be glad to hear that.

  1. When he was a child he was interested in music.

  1. They were proud of their son.

  1. He won’t be late for classes tomorrow.

Exercise 2. Put the verb to be into all the possible forms (Present, Past, Future Simple positive or negative).

  1. I am a militia officer.

  2. I am not free now.

  3. I am in the English lab now.

Exercise 3. Use the necessary form of the verb to be (Present, Past, Future Simple positive or negative).

  1. I... at the English lesson now.

  2. He ... at home on Sundays.

  3. They ... present today .

  4. She ... a teacher of English at our Institute five years ago.

  5. We ... busy now.

  6. You ... my best friend.

  7. You ... first-year students.

  8. He ...a lawyer next year.

  9. This time last year I ... in Paris.

  10. Tomorrow she ... in Amsterdam.

  11. “Where are my keys?” – I don’t know. There ... on the table, but they ... there now.

Exercise 4. Make the sentences.

  1. Your shoes/ very dirty

  2. My mother/ teacher

  3. The house not very big

  4. the shops not open today

  5. My keys/ in my bag

  6. They/ present/ at the meeting yesterday

  7. Peter/ 18 years old

  8. You / not very tall

  9. The weather/ good/ tomorrow

Exercise 5. Make the questions.

  1. At home/ your mother?

  2. Your parents well?

  3. Interesting/ your job?

  4. The shops/ open today?

  5. Interested in sport/ you?

  6. At school/ your children?

  7. why/ you/ late?

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English

1.Все студенты на лекции. 2. Мой друг студент. 3. Моя цель выучить английский язык. 4. Вы преподаватель? – Нет, я не преподаватель, я студент. 5. Ваши студенты в этой комнате. 6. Она будет хорошим специалистом. 7. Они сейчас в деревне, они будут в городе не раньше понедельника. 8. мы были в Москве во время кинофестиваля. 9. Приходите к нам в воскресенье, все будут рады видеть вас. 10. Они были в Лондоне два года назад. 11. Когда они будут дома? Они будут дома вечером. 12. Твоя мама на работе? – Нет, она дома.

Greeting people

How do you do?



Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How are you? How are things with you?

Fine, thanks.

Everything is OK, thank you.


Meeting people

A: Hello! How are you?

B: I'm fine, thank you, and you?

A: Very well, too. Thanks. See you later.

B: Bye.

A: Hi, meet my friend Ann. She is Russian.

B: Hello, Ann!

A: Ann is a student from the Academy of Labour and Social Relations.

B: Nice to meet you.

A: I'm glad to meet you, too.



A: Hello, Mr Brown. This is Nick Black. He is a student of French.

B: How do you do!

A: How do you do!

B: Nick is from London.

A: Pleased to meet you.

B: I'm glad to meet you, too.

Personal questions

  1. What’s your name (full name, first name, middle name, last name, family name, surname, patronymic)?

  2. How old are you? What’s your age?

  3. Where are you from? What country are you from? What city are you from? What company are you from?

  4. What do you do? What is your job (profession, occupation)?

  5. What is your telephone number?

  6. What is your address?

  7. What is your marital status? Are you married?

Exercise 7. Match the questions with the answers

  1. Are you Russian?

  2. What's your name?

  3. How are you?

  4. Who is that girl?

  5. What do you do?

  6. Are you married?

  7. What does she do?

  8. Where is she from?

  1. How old are you?

  1. What's that?

Look at the business card and answer the questions


John G. Smith

Financial Director

9 North Road, Brighton, BN1 5JF, England

Phone (0273)543359 Fax: (0273)559364

    1. Whose card is this?

    2. What is he?

    3. What company is he from?

    4. What city is he from?

    5. What is his telephone number?

    6. What is the address of his company?

Speaking. People in business

Look at the list of participants for an IT conference in Toronto. Use the information below below to help you fill in the gaps.

Ms Ishikazi’s first name is Minako.

Minako and Alicia are colleagues.

The Spanish woman lives with Igor.

Mr Nanni is a salesman.

The translator is twenty eight.

Minako and Miho are both Japanese.

Igor and Miho are the same age.