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3.3 Lab work 11 Complex word stress

Exercise 1 Stress-carrying suffixes

When you hear the number, pronounce the word with stress on the suffix. You will then hear the correct pronunciation which you should repeat.

1. -ain: entertain "entq'teIn

4. -ese: Portuguese "pLCq'gJz

2. -ee: refugee "refjV'GJ

5. -ette: cigarette "sIgq'ret

3. -eer: mountaineer "maVntI'nIq

6. -esque: picturesque "pIkCq'resk

When you hear the stem word, say the word with the given suffix, putting the stress on that suffix. In these examples, a secondary stress comes on the penultimate syllable of the stem.

employ + -ee absent + -ee

engine + -eer profit + -eer

Sudan + -ese Pekin + -ese

usher + -ette statue + -ette

Exercise 2 Neutral suffixes

When you hear the stem word, add the suffix without changing the stress.

comfort + -able power + -less

anchor + -age hurried + -ly

refuse + -al punish + -ment

wide + -en yellow + -ness

wonder + -ful poison + -ous

amaze + -ing glory + -fy

devil + -ish other + -wise

bird + -like fun + -y

Exercise 3 Stress-moving suffixes

When you hear the stem word, say it with the suffix added and put the stress on the last syllable of the stem.

advantage + -eous injure + -ious

photo + -graphy tranquil + -ity

proverb + -ial reflex + -ive

climate + -ic embryo + -logy

Exercise 4 Compound words

When you hear the number, say the item.

a) First element adjectival, stress on second element.

1. loudspeaker 4. second-class

2. bad-tempered 5. three-wheeler

3. headquarters

b) First element nominal, stress on first element.

1. typewriter 4. suitcase

2. car-ferry 5. tea-cup

3. sunrise

c) Mixture of type (a) and (b).

1. long-suffering 4. red-blooded

2. gunman 5. gear-box

3. shoelace 6. overweight

Exercise 5 Word-class pairs

You will hear the number of the item and its word-class. Stress the second syllable if it is a verb; stress the first syllable if it is a noun or adjective.

1. abstract (adj)

7. export (v)

13. present (adj)

2. conduct (v)

8. import (n)

14. produce (v)

3. contract (n)

9. insult (v)

15. protest (n)

4. contrast (v)

10. object (n)

16. rebel (v)

5. desert (n)

11. perfect (adj)

17. record (n)

6. escort (n)

12. permit (v)

18. subject (n)

3.4 Lab work 12 Weak forms

Exercise 1 Sentences for transcription

Write the following sentences in transcription, taking care to give the correct weak forms (1…12).

Exercise 2 Weak forms with pre-vocalic and pre-consonantal forms

When you hear the number, say the phrase, using the appropriate weak form:


  1. the apple /Di xpl/

  1. the pear /Dq peq/


  1. to Edinburgh /tu ednbrq/

  1. to Leeds /tq lJdz/


  1. so do I /sqV du aI/

  1. so do they /sqV dq DeI/


  1. an ear /qn Iq/

  1. a foot /q fVt/


  1. her eyes /hqr aIz/

  1. her nose /hq nqVz/


  1. your uncle /jqr ANkl/

  1. your friend /jq frend/


  1. for Alan /fqr xlqn/

  1. for Mike /fq maIk/


  1. there aren’t /Dqr Rnt/

  1. there couldn’t /Dq kVdnt/


  1. these are ours /DJz qr aVqz/

  1. these are mine /DJz q main/


  1. you were out /jH wqr aVt/

  1. you were there /jH wq Deq/

Exercise 3 Transcription

Write the following sentences in transcription, taking care to give the correct weak forms (1…5).

Exercise 4 Pronunciation of weak forms

This exercise uses the sentences of Exercise 3. When you hear the number, say the sentence, giving particular attention to the weak forms.