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1. изучение рынка

2. отдел маркетинговых исследований

3. товары одноразового использования

4. товары длительного пользования

5. первичная информация

6. вторичная информация

7. разработка статистической документации

8. исследования на местах

9. делать прогнозы

10. предлагать стратегию

11. толковать данные

12. наличие ссудного капитала

13. общий объем спроса на рынке

14. издержки производства

15. распределение по возрасту


1. Рынок можно определить как любую форму контакта покупателей и продавцов с целью покупки или продажи товаров и услуг.

2. Было установлено, что социальное положение и род занятий часто определяют покупательские привычки потребителей.

3. Сбор информации из различных источников, таких как государственная статистика, деловые и торговые издания, называется разработкой статистической документации.

4. На общий объем спроса на рынке будут оказывать влияние объем населения, его распределение по возрасту и государственная политика.

5. Исследования потребителя могут быть проведены Центрами маркетинговых исследований, специализирующимися на предоставлении производственным компаниям услуг такого рода.


1. The demand for a product is the amount of a good that people are willing to buy over a given time period at a particular price.

2. The quantity of goods and services that producers offer at each price is called supply.

3. Food is an example of a single-use consumer good.

4. Cars, TVs, microwave ovens and compact disc players are called consumer durable products.

5. In a market-oriented firm one of the functions of marketing department is to find out consumer requirements.

6. A product-oriented firm first produces a product and then tries to sell it in the hope that the consumer will buy it.

7. Market researchers try to build up a consumer profile, i.e. the age, sex, occupation and location of its consumers.

8. Market Research Departments develop forecasts of consumer motivations and buying habits.


1. consumer requirements

2. demand

3. supply

4. local market

5. international market

6. market-oriented

7. product-oriented

8. marketing campaign

9. buying habi ts

10. forecast

11. hire purchase

12. consumer profile

13. consumer research

14. market expansion

15. purchase on credit


1. Buyers are people wishing to acquire goods and services.

2. Sellers are people wishing to sell goods and services.

3. Markets can be local, national or even international.

4. Questioning consumers directly about their tastes and preferences is called “field research”.

5. The demand is affected by such factors as consumers’ personal tastes, the size of their income, advertising and the price of the product.


1-d, 2-c, 3-j, 4-g, 5-b, 6-a, 7-i, 8-e, 9-h,10-f


STEPHEN: Hello, Leo. This is Stephen. Can you give me some idea what is actually needed to make a good market research?

LEO: Well, any company that enters a new overseas market needs to know as much about that market as it can. It looks first at the country as a whole,' the location of the major urban centres and the proportion of the population that lives in them.

STEPHEN: I see, and how do we evaluate the country’s economic situation?

LEO: You should find out about its GDP, or gross domestic product ,and the growth of GDP over a period of time, expressed as a percentage and measured in real terms, that is allowing for inflation.

STEPHEN: Bu t the product is going to be bought by individual consumers , so the company also needs a breakdown of the population by age, sex, income and occupation.

LEO: You know, most countries have a system of social classification. Marketing people usually want to know not gross income, but disposable income per head. They also want the figures for several years; if they can identify trends, they can extrapolate these into the future and forecast what people will be earning and spending a year or five years from now.


1-f, 2-h, 3-d, 4-g, 5-i, 6-e, 7-j, 8-b, 9-a, 10-c