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V. Organizational forms of social work.

The state and not state organisations in system of social protection of the population.

As sponsors of these organisations the federal government, staff, district act. They are financed at the expense of the state tax, that is, the expert working in them, receives wages from the state budget. The state and local authorities are responsible for working out of nation-wide social policy and its carrying out on the country, and also at regional and local levels.

They coordinate activity on realisation of programs of social protection of the population with other official establishments, and also with not the profitable organisations and business. Within budgetary possibilities of each state these organisations realise programs grantings of various kinds of the social help and support for inhabitants of the country as a whole.

The Ministry of Agriculture through the state branches of social security carries out a federal Food programme. In these purposes among the requiring coupons which are used instead of money at purchase of products, plants, seeds, but not tobacco and alcohol extend.

The children's bureau based in 1912, is a part of management of Ministry of Health and humanitarian services and in turn plans, co-ordinates and puts into practice programs on protection of the rights of children.

The service of protection of children renders social, medical, legal and tutorial services to children. It studies cases of violence concerning children, makes recommendations to welfare services and legal bodies.Agencies for aged, financed by the federal government, are intended for protection of the rights and rendering of services elderly.

The local state organisations have in the different countries various structure, but their role one – to spend social policy at local level. To provide population social protection, local authorities are obliged:

  • To organise social services within the area;

  • To solve questions on granting of grants in the territory;

  • To make payment of social benefits;

  • To advise and inform the population on utilities existing in the area of social protection;

  • To inform the population on social services and different kinds of social support;

  • To carry out vocational training of shots for social services;

  • To carry out researches for work perfection in the given sphere.

The social workers occupied in the state social services, carry out various roles depending on scale and directions of activity of the organisation. For example, in the USA in public services of social work in states following posts are provided:

• the adviser who listens, gives advice, provides with resources,

• the managing director defining the program of actions and means.

• the adviser who estimates the program,

• the adviser offering to clients alternative sources of the help.

• the intermediary, between agency and the client,

• the lawyer representing interests of the client,

• the expert rendering the psychotherapeutic help,

• the expert who is engaged in search of people requiring the help,

• the expert planning the programs of the help,

• the active worker supporting social changes.

The American authors notice that, despite huge possibilities of performance of various works in the state agencies, professional social workers seldom enough work in them. They explain it for a long time existing traditions. The state agencies basically were engaged in rendering of the financial help, and social employees who would like to use the skills received at training, went to the voluntary the organisations where for them there was an activity wide field. This situation practically has not changed and now.

The private social organisations.

These organisations name still enterprise or commercial. They are financed in the mixed image: at the expense of charitable payments, gifts of private persons, a payment of persons,to which services, are rendered by the governmental assignments.These organisations can differ not only character of the activity, specificity of given services, but also scale of activity within a community, region and the country as a whole.

The basic link in this structure is the social agency. It is the typical form of the organisation of the help to the population. The Board of directors supervises over this of the organisations. The agency is usually completed by professional social workers, representatives of other specialities, technicians (assistants). These organisations have accurate authorised rules which define, what clients to serve, what problems to decide and what methods to use.

To such organisations, in America the American service of a family (Family Service America), for example, concerns. It is the national organisation covering local agencies of service of a family, and also professionals this environment and the separate citizens interested in its development. Once again we will underline that it is financed privately. The national organisation develops programs of agencies entering into it, provides public relations and educational programs and is the sponsor of researches and publications in the field of social work with a family. Organisation council helps to form a policy and makes recommendations to a legislature about needs of a family. Local agencies provide family and marriage therapy, programs on a management and training, social services for a community.

5.1 Social work with children and teenagers of deviating behaviour in the countries of the Western Europe and the USA.

Work with difficult children and teenagers is an obligatory component of the general social work in many countries of Western Europe and the USA. Such children carry to «risk group», that is, such in which the probability of fulfilment of illegal actions is high.

Children escaping from the house concern this group, the schools thrown by parents, tested the violence, taking alcohol and the drugs which are engaged in prostitution.

Conditionally work under each project can be divided into two stages. The first is connected with diagnostics which includes studying of the situation which have developed round the teenager (position in a family, school, the free time environment) and studying of motivational sphere of the young man (he defines significant problems for it, for example, difficulties of mutual relations or professional self-determination).

This stage comes to the end with drawing up in common with the teenager and his family of the plan of the decision of the arisen problem and the contract conclusion between bureau and the client. The contract provides only moral responsibility, it has no validity.

The second stage – movement under the developed plan which includes before all the psychosocial help by regulation of a situation round the teenager. Work on development of skills and abilities of the teenager is in parallel conducted.

5.2 Role of social workers.

The social worker are a key figure of all projects. In general in Holland the prestige of the given trade is very high. Almost all social workers of bureau have higher education. It is remarkable that they work simultaneously with a small amount of clients.

It allows to make work address. Means and experts how much suffice, it is so much clients and is involved in work. There is a competition on participation in work under the project. It, naturally, strengthens desire of teenagers to work in it.

The young man participating in work of the project, has possibility to contact the social worker at any time. As a whole, the basic duties of the social worker under the specified projects consist in an establishment of confidential relations, careful studying of a situation and personal especial the client, scheduling of work, the contract, in an establishment and coordination of contacts to workers of different establishments, in progress maintenance in work and the help from outside a social environment.

It is necessary to notice that, except the social workers working directly in bureau of the help to different teenagers, in Holland there are also other categories of the social workers who are engaged in rehabilitation of difficult children. For example, there are divisionals social workers operating in a community and houses (one divisional sponsors, as a rule, 1-2 houses with 250-280 apartments), social workers, working in medical, educational institutions, in local state social services. The numerous public and intermediary organisations which for a while, depending on a situation, create various operative groups, development brigades, target groups in a community are engaged in difficult teenagers also. All it allows the Dutch experts to carry out work with teenagers daily on a residence and studies of children.


For today the trade of the social worker became an integral part of a public life in the countries which we name "civilised". Without activity of social workers do not manage neither realisation of programs of social development, nor maintenance of social policy of the state. Experts in the field of social work are widely used as experts by legislation preparation, at decision-making by local governments and substantiations of activity of public organisations.

The refore number of representatives of this trade is great enough. The first schools of social work to Great Britain, the USA, France, Sweden and in other countries. Social work has originally arisen as means of the help to the people who have got to a difficult reality situation, for example, lost work, the habitation, transferred a physical or mental trauma.

If in the USA knowledge of social work connect with representations about the specific activity allowing subjects to restore and keep ability to public functioning in England it is knowledge it is focused round principles of the organisation of the individual help.

Professional work of social workers promotes public changes, the decision of problems of human mutual relations; promotes strengthening of abilities to functional existence in a society and to clearing of people with a view of increase of their level of well-being. In what country would not be, the social worker it worked promotes interaction of people with their environment.


1. Strean, Herbert S. Psychoanalitic Theory and Social Work Practice. - N.Y., 1989.

2. Bailey R., Brake M. Radical Social Work, - London, 1995

3. Kholostova EI. The theory of social work. - M., 2004

4. Jenu D. Behaviour Modification in Social Work. - Chichester, 1997.