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2/International business styles

3/ Setting up a business

Билет 1.

a. self-employed people

b. mutual

c .joint ventuals and mutual

d. give an examples of companies that…

Some people don`t have any their own companies and work for somebody for short period of time. It is freelancing. This highly qualified person in some branches which employed to the company when company need it. Especially in hard period for companies. They help and then goes to another company. Sometimes these persons meet together and organize companies. This companies help other companies. This process is called mutual. Some companies, like certain life insurance companies, are mutuals. When you buy insurance with the company you become a member. Another type of cooperating between companies is Joint venture. It when two or more companies agree to collaborate and jointly invest in a separate business project. This type of deal allows the partners to combine their strengths in one specific area. But sometimes companies to strengthen their abilities make new company or became part of other company. It is merging. Merger: Two companies, often in the same industry, come together to form one company. Companies merge for many reasons, for example, to increase market share and cut costs in certain areas, such as research and development. But sometimes negotiations between 2 companies come to the dead end and merge can be failed. It happens because of big ego of the big bosses of the companies or different ways of running of their businesses or different politics of the company. In first variant you may found a compromise if to change the negotiator in another it is rather harder.

Билет 2

a. partnerships

b. Public Limited companies

c. business plan

d. give an example of necessary qualities to be a successful entrepreneur

There are two main levels of business in the world: large and small business. Many large businesses in the UK are public limited companies (plc), which means that the public can buy and sell their shares on the stock exchange. The minimum share capital for a public limited company is £50,000. In case of liquidation the commercial responsibility of the members of the company on its duties can be limited by shares or limited by guarantee.

Sole Trader or Sole Proprietor (UK)

The simplest way of starting a business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of the management of your business.

Partnership (UK)

Two or more people starting a business together can set up a partnership. All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits and losses are shared between them. So there are no shareholders in the organization apart from the partners. A lot of professional people like lawyers, accountants and so on, can work in a partnership.

There are different kinds of partnerships in the UK, such as unlimited or general partnership and the limited partnership.

Private Limited Company (UK)

A company can be formed with a minimum of two people and a maximum 50 people becoming its shareholders. If the company goes out of business, the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they have limited liability. Such company has Ltd (Limited) after its name.

If you want to make your own business you should have a list of the challenges that you should complete. You should make your business plan. It`s consist of:

1. Details of the business: name and type of business.

2. Personal details: relevant work experience.

3. Personnel: number of people /job function.

4. Product / service: description.

5. Market: description. Who are your customers? Is your market growing, static or in decline? Who are the main competitors? What are the advantages of your product or service over the competition?

6. Marketing: What sort of marketing or advertising do you intend to do?

7. Premises / machinery / vehicles: Where do you intend to locate the business and why? What sort and size of premises will you need? What machinery / vehicles do you require?

8. Objectives. What objectives do you have for the business?

You must also think about personal qualities of entrepreneur: you ought to have a strong sense of leadership, to be able to both organize and motivate and you should know exactly where you and your team going.

Билет 3

a. partnerships

b. Private Limited companies

c. take over or acquisitions

d. …..and comment on key point of a business plan

Начало смотри 2 вопрос.

Sometimes small businesses are on the way of much bigger companies. In such situation smaller company can become one of the parts of big company or go down. The first one calls Acquisition or takeover: One company accumulates enough of another company's shares to take over control and ownership.

Билет 4

a. self-employed people

b. partnerships

c. Private Limited companies

d. stages of any project

e. how you rate yourself as an entrepreneur

Some people don`t have any their own companies and work for somebody for short period of time. It is freelancers. This highly qualified person in some branches which employed to the company when company need it. Especially in hard period for companies. They help and then go to another company. Sometimes these persons meet together and organize companies. These companies help other companies.

Partnership (UK)

Two or more people starting a business together can set up a partnership. All partners are responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits and losses are shared between them. So there are no shareholders in the organization apart from the partners. A lot of professional people like lawyers, accountants and so on, can work in a partnership.

There are different kinds of partnerships in the UK, such as unlimited or general partnership and the limited partnership.

Private Limited Company (UK)

A company can be formed with a minimum of two people and a maximum 50 people becoming its shareholders. If the company goes out of business, the responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they have limited liability. Such company has Ltd (Limited) after its name.

If you decide to start your own business you have to follow some rules of this process. A short checklist of the questions that you would need to ask yourself before starting a business concerns the following sectors: Finance (how much money will I need?); Product (where can I get the materials?); Recruitment (how many people will I need?); Market (what opportunities will I have in expanding my business?); Organization (how will my company's structure will be look like?). Following to the order of stages is also very important.

Order of different stages of the project:

1. Identify a problem.

2. Identify the market.

3. Get the idea of the goods' producing.

4. Conduct a feasibility study.

5. Create the company.

6. Invite private investors to join the project.

7. Seek investment from major companies.

8. Construct the assembly plant.

You must also think about personal qualities of entrepreneur: you ought to have a strong sense of leadership, to be able to both organize and motivate and you should know exactly where you and your team going.

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