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7/Man in the movies. Theatre

8/You and Your Health

What Do You Know About Disease?

Just what is disease? Disease is a change from the condition of good health. In disease, the normal structure or function of the body is harmed or weakened. Disease is often called sickness or illness.

A disease may last a brief time or a long time. It may be mild or severe. Some diseases such as the common cold may go away after a few days without any treatment. Other diseases require medical treatment to cure them. Still other diseases may require a lifetime of medical supervision to manage them.

Favourable standards of living help promote health. Also the body itself has defenses against disease. But now and then the defenses give way and illness occurs. Disease germs may break through the defenses. Parts of the body may begin to function poorly or something may go wrong with certain chemical reactions in the body.

Symptoms of Illness

How do people know they are ill? Often they have symptoms such as pain, nausea, sore throat, lack of appetite, fatigue, or fever. However, a disease may be present without a person knowing it. Sometimes a disease is discovered during a routine health examination (check-up).

Illnesses, that can be passed along by an infected person to a well person either directly or indirectly are called infectious or communicable diseases.

In early 1900s infectious diseases were still a serious public health problem. Today as a result of improved hygiene and living conditions, new drugs, new kinds of medical treatment, and the widespread use of vaccines, the picture has changed. Many diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, scarlet fever, small pox, and diphtheria have been almost wiped out. However, some of these diseases – and others – pose problems in certain areas of the world.

The cold is the most common communicable disease. So far, scientists have identified more than 100 different viruses capable of causing cold symptoms. For this reason, no vaccine exists to immunize against colds. Some diseases are not caused by disease-producing microorganisms. These diseases cannot be passed from person to person. No immunity can be produced for this diseases. They are called non-communicable. Among them are most diseases of the heart, allergy and lots of others.

Strange diet.

1. Paleolithic Diet

Also called the caveman diet, the Paleolithic diet is a nutritional plan based on what human species ate about 2.5 million years ago: fish, animals, plants. The rationale for this is that natural selection has adapted Paleolithic humans to the food in that era. But in the 10,000 or so years since we’ve invented agriculture, we’ve drastically changed our diet and have not had time to adapt to it.

2. Fletcherizing

Horace Fletcher earned the nickname “The Great Masticator” by his diet of chewing food thirty thirty two times (about 100 times per minute) before swallowing. After chewing, you would tilt your head back so the food would slide down your throat. Any food leftover, you would have to spit out. Fletcher pushed this to the extreme, suggesting dieters chew their drinks!

3. Sleeping Beauty

When you’re asleep, you can’t be eating. Proponents of the Sleeping Beauty diet sedate themselves heavily for many days, so that when they wake up they’re much thinner. Obviously, there are immense health risks involved.

4. Tapeworm

Tapeworms attach to the human intestinal tract, acting as a parasite that siphons off nutrients from the food you eat. If you swallow a tapeworm in a cyst and let it grow inside you, dieters claim the worm will help you lose 1-2 pounds a week.

5. Fruitarianism

A subset of veganism, fruitarians eat nothing but fruits, nuts and seeds, without meat, vegetables or grain. Some fruitarians believe this was the original diet of Adam and Eve from the Bible, thinking that a return to the food of Eden will in turn lead to a perfect life.

6. Breatharianism

Breatharians claim that food and water aren’t necessary, that it’s possible to live merely on sunlight. There have been no properly documented successes, and many have died trying to prove it. Nonetheless, there are many famous breatharians with a dedicated following.

Advances in Modern Technology and Medicine

Judging from the science fiction nature of current medical technology development, we may have only just begun. Ongoing research and development includes artificial blood, artificial skin, an array of other artificial organs, computer assisted diagnosis for most specialties including radiology and pathology. New drugs will target Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, infections and cardiovascular disease. New ways of delivering medications promise to be more effective and less invasive. There are new ways of treating cancer that focus on fast dividing cells that do not harm healthy tissue.

  1. It is rather easy to get rid of cold. You should to stay in bed for a while, for or 3 days. But sometimes you haven`t any time to stay in bed, so you should make some radical ways, like use some medicines or use folk remedies. I prefer tea with ginger, or big amount of vitamin C and sleep for a while.

For stopping a nosebleed I use some bandages and cold for a nose.

I think for staying young looking you should be in good shape and always to keep fit or live in cold places…..

  1. Of course some times when I was in school I shirked sometimes…..

  2. I agree with this statement because when you stay in good shape your immunity is strong so no disease couldn`t harm you. You should to do sports may be jogging a little bit every morning so you become more healthier. Also you shouldn`t forget that your meal must be healthy, eat more vegetables and fruits especially in summer…….

  3. Я не знаю что писать. Как вариант начало темы (подчерк.)

  4. Рассказать про диеты, и поделится своим опытом (strange diet)

  5. When you watch TV you always can find advertising of amassing looking hamburgers or chips and it always says that it is very delicious and healthy. But is it right? If look at USA or Brittan where fast food is widely spred you can see a lot of fat people especially children. So we can make a conclusion that fast food bed for health but sometimes you may eat it in a small amounts.

Another lovely food that you couldn`t eat is food on which you have allergy. It may be so delicious but if eat it can make a lot of harm fo you. Even kill you.

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