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III. Измените следующие предложения в соответствии с образцом:

Образец A: I need to talk to you.

My friend told me that he needed to talk to me.

1. I can’t read your handwriting. 2. I think you speak English very well. 3. Your pronunciation is very good.

Образец B: Are you hungry?-

He (She) asked me if (whether) I was hungry.

1. Does the semester end in December? 2. Have you ever been to Paris? 3. Did you enjoy our vacation?

Образец C: Where is your friend?-

He (She) asked me where my friend was.

1. Where will you be tomorrow at this time? 2. Whose briefcase is that? 3. Where should I meet you after class?

IV. Образуйте все возможные формы инфинитива следующих глаголов:

Образец: to do-to be done-to be doing- to have done-to have been done-to have been doing

To prevent, to conclude, to bribe, to punish, to implement, to forbid, to write, to get, to pay, to bring.

V. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильную видо-временную форму:

Образец: He ordered (to check) the terms of the agreement. - He ordered to check the terms of the agreement.

1. The advocate …already … for. (to sent)

2. The United Nations Human Rights Council (to create) in 2005.

3. We knew that Ukraine (to broaden) economic relations lately.

4. He asked if the verdict (to type) at the moment.

5. I hoped that he (to recognize) his mistakes.

6. You may (to use) my car for a week.

7. Citizens must (to obey) laws.

8. I was asked (not to tell) him the truth.

VI. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский язык:

Образец: Я не могу подписать этот контракт сейчас. – I cant sign this contract now.

1. В будущем я не смогу быть клиентом компании, которая не выполняет свои обязательства.

2. Должна ли она присутствовать в суде в качестве свидетеля?

3. Военная сила не будет использована в этой миротворческой операции.

4. Оба этих вопроса уже были обсуждены Генеральной ассамблеей ООН.

5. Он спросил, почему право Европейского Союза является уникальной правовой системой.

6. Европейский Суд констатировал, что право Евросоюза вводит в действие новый общественный порядок в системе международного права.

7. Мне необходимо встретиться с адвокатом как можно быстрее.

8. Это предложение не может быть принято арендатором.

Контрольная работа для студентов юридического факультета (заочное отделение) № 3 Вариант с

I.1. Завершите предложения в соответствии с образцом:

Образец A: I ... meet him today but I ... meet him last night.

I can meet him today, but I couldn’t meet him last night.

1. I ... explain this rule now but, I ... explain it last week. 2. The director… sign this document now, but he ... sign it yesterday. 3.I ... send you this fax now, but I ... send it an hour ago. 4. We … help you now, but we … help you yesterday. 5. This firm … pay taxes now, but it … pay them last month.

Образец B: I ... tell you this secret now, but I ... to tell you tomorrow.

I can’t tell you this secret now, but I shall be able to tell you tomorrow.

1. He ... argue cases himself now, but he ... to argue them soon. 2. I ... accept your offer now, but I ... to accept it next month. 3 I... finish this work today, but I... to finish it in a day or two.

I.2. Раскройте скобки, поставив частицу «to» там, где необходимо:

Образец: I can (help) you.- I can help you.

1. .You may (use) my car for a week. 2. You ought (consult) the advocate. 3.They will have (terminate) the agreement. 4. He must (fulfill) his obligations. 5. We are (meet) at 5 o’clock.

II. 1. Измените предложения в соответствии с образцом, поставив глагол в страдательный залог :

Образец: That company employs many people. - Many people are employed by that company.

1. We don’t discuss such questions at our meetings. 2. We must finish this work as soon as possible. 3. They often publish scientific articles in this magazine. 9. They taught him several languages at school.

II.2. Выберите правильный вариант:

Образец: The firm … in 1998. a)was founded, b) founded, c) is founded

a) -The firm was founded in 1998.

1. The terms of agreement must… before his departure.

a) will be changed; b) were changed; c) be changed

2. I … anything about it yet.

a) haven’t been told; b) wasn’t told; c) wasn’t being told

3. Moscow State University … in 1755.

a) was founded; b) has been founded; c) will be founded

4. This article … often.

a) was referred to; b) is referred to; c) has been referred to

5. Don’t enter the hall. A witness … by the Court of Justice to.

a) has been listened; b) is listened; c) is being listened