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V. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в правильную видо-временную форму:

Образец: He ordered (to check) the terms of the agreement. - He ordered to check the terms of the agreement.

1. When he entered the room the contract (to check) by the legal adviser.

2. This letter just ( to sign) by the director.

3. He said that he (can) meet us in the airport.

4. We knew that the Speaker (to take part) in the debates the next day.

5. Lawyers (to respect) in the society very much.

6. She told us (not to show) him the contract.

7. You should ( to prepare) for the seminar.

8. He asked if I (to sign) the document.

VI. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский язык:

Образец: Я не могу подписать этот контракт сейчас. – I cant sign this contract now.

1. Можно мне посмотреть Ваши водительские права?

2. Мы не могли отменить соглашение, так как оно уже вступилo в силу.

3. Основные права и свободы наших граждан защищены Конституцией Украины и законами государства.

4. Дело о защите интеллектуальной собственности будет слушаться в Европейском суде по правам человека вскоре.

5. Юрист посоветовал нам не заключать этот договор.

6. Он спросил, какие отношения регулирует международное публичное право.

7. У вас было достаточно времени, чтобы изучить права и обязанности сторон этого соглашения.

8. Стороной контракта может быть частное лицо, партнерство, корпорация или правительство.

Контрольная работа для студентов юридического факультета (заочное отделение) № 3 Вариант b

I.1. Завершите предложения в соответствии с образцом:

Образец A: I ... meet him today but I ... meet him last night.

I can meet him today, but I couldn’t meet him last night.

1. I ... understand his behaviour now but, I ... understand it when I was young. 2. John ... play tennis now, but he ... play tennis a few years ago. 3. My brother ... read now, but he ... read before he went to school. 4. I ... answer your question yesterday, but I ... answer it now. 5.We …conclude this agreement now, but we … conclude it last month.

Образец B: I ... tell you this secret now, but I ... to tell you tomorrow.

I can’t tell you this secret now, but I shall be able to tell you tomorrow.

1. The students ... understand this rule now, but they ... to understand it when the teacher explains it. 2. I … accept your offer now, but I … to accept it soon. 3. He …visit you now, but he …to visit you in a day or two.

I.2. Раскройте скобки, поставив частицу «to» там, где необходимо:

Образец: I can (help) you.- I can help you.

1.You may (keep) my book for a week. 2. We had (wait) as the advocate was out. 3. Should I (tell) him the truth? 4. You needn’t (turn on) the light. I can (see) quite well. 5. I knew the town so I was able (advise) him where to go.

II. 1.Измените предложения в соответствии с образцом, поставив глагол в страдательный залог :

Образец: That company employs many people. - Many people are employed by that company.

1. The director himself answered the phone. 2. People don’t use this road very often. 3. They wrote him a letter. 4. The partners have concluded an important contract.

II.2. Выберите правильный вариант:

Образец: The firm … in 1998. a)was founded, b) founded, c) is founded

a) -The firm was founded in 1998.

1. Much of modern human rights law can… to relatively recent history.

a) has been traced back; b) will be traced back; c) be traced back

2. The contract … in a week.

a) will be signed; b) is being signed; c) was signed;

3. The problem … before we came.

a) was discussed; b) had been discussed; c) is being discussed;

4. The Geneva Conventions … in 1949.

a) are revised; b) were revised; c) will be revised;

5. He … anything about it yet.

a) hasn’t been told; b) isn’t told; c) isn’t being told