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2. Структура та зміст державного іспиту

Держаний іспит з англійської мови складається з двох частин: письмова частина (тестові завдання), усна частина.

2.1 Письмова частина державного іспиту

Письмова частина передбачає виконання тестових завдань.

Типи тестових завдань: за множинним вибором, на відтворення правильної послідовності, із множинними відповідями, на відповідність, запитання відкритого типу.

Зміст тестових завдань

До тестових завдань включено зміст таких дисциплін як:

  • лінгвокраїнознавство (10 питань)

  • стилістика (10 питань)

  • теоретична фонетика (5 питань)

  • практична граматика (20 питань)

  • література США та Великої Британії (5 питань)

Зміст лінгвістичної (теоретичної ) підготовки


1. The United Kingdom in the world community.

2. The geography of the UK.

3. The population of the UK. The national symbols of the UK.

4. Early Britain: the Celts and the Romans.

5. The Anglo-Saxons and their kingdoms.

6. The Norman Conquest of England (1066).

7. Britain’s Constitutional development: Feudal England (the 12th – 14th c.)

8. England in the 15th – 16th c.

9. England in the 17th c.

10. Britain’s Constitutional development in the 18th – 19th c.


  1. The Problem of Style as Functional Category.

  2. The Notion of Stylistic Features.

  3. Style as a Historical Category. The Interaction and Transference of Stylistic Features.

  4. The Classification of Functional Styles and the Debatable Problems in Functional Stylistics.

  5. The style of official documents and its substyles. Basic and secondary (optional) features.

  6. The style of scientific prose and its substyles. Special terms and formulae. Elements and featu­res of this style in texts of other styles.

  7. Newspaper style. Its genres. Advertisements and announcements.

  8. Publicistic style and its substyles.

  9. The so-called conversational style and its pragma­tic orientation.

  10. Belles Lettres and its substyles. Poetic diction. The language of emotive prose and drama.

Теоретична фонетика

  1. Units of the segmental level: phonological and phonetic aspect.

  2. The syllable as a phonetic and phonological unit.

  3. The English Word stress.

  4. Pronunciation varieties of English.

  5. American English pronunciation

Практична граматика

  1. Noun. Its semantic, morphological, syntactic characteristics, morphological composition.

  2. The category of number of English nouns. The formation and use of plural nouns.

  3. The category of case of English nouns. The formation and use of the Possessive Case.

  4. The use of the definite article.

  5. The use of the indefinite article.

  6. Absence of the article.

  7. The Infinitive. Its forms, meanings and functions.

  8. Predicative constructions with the Infinitive.

  9. The Gerund. Its forms, meanings and functions.

  10. Predicative constructions with Gerund.

  11. Participle I. Its forms, meanings and functions.

  12. Predicative constructions with Participle I.

  13. Participle II. Its forms, meanings and functions.

  14. Predicative constructions with Participle II.

  15. General characteristics of verbals from the semantic, morphological and syntactic points of view (compared with finite forms).

  16. The particle and modal words.

  17. Words of the category of state.

  18. General characteristics of modal and notional verbs in comparison. Types of modal meanings.

  19. The system of moods in English and their meanings.

  20. The pronoun. Morphological and syntactic characteristics.