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Література сша та Великої Британії

  1. English Literature in the period between the two World Wars: Modernism and its alternatives.

  2. Post-war and post-modern literature in Great Britain.

  3. Literature of the late 20th-century to the present.

  4. American Literature after the Second World War.

  5. US Literature in the period between the two World Wars: Modernism and experimentation.

Письмова частина іспиту виконується всіма студентами випускних груп і перевіряється викладачами кафедри. Результати письмового іспиту оформлюються відповідними документами з державної атестації студентів. Кількість отриманих балів за письмову частину враховується при остаточному оцінюванні відповіді студента на державному іспиті. Перевірені письмові роботи зберігаються до закінчення державних іспитів.

2.2. Усна частина державного іспиту

Усна частина іспиту передбачає відповідь студента згідно структури екзаменаційного білету, складовими якого є:

1) читання та стилістичний аналіз уривку з художнього автентичного тексту з виокремленням авторської стилістики;

2) теоретичне питання з різнорівневих проблем мовної системи: синхронія та діахронія;

3) ситуативне мовлення.

Зміст лінгвістичної (теоретичної ) підготовки


Theoretical problems

  1. Old English Phonetics

  2. Old English Syntax

  3. Middle English Phonetics

  4. Early New English Phonetics

  5. Old English Nominal Parts of Speech

  6. Etymology of lexical Units. Etymological Doublets

  7. Types of Borrowings

  8. Types of Word-building

  9. Language Semantics: Connotative and Denotative Meanings.

  10. Classification of Phraseological Units ( Prof. Coonin’s conception )

  11. The Category of Aspect in English

  12. The Category of Finitude : finite vs.non-finite verbs

  13. The Category of number : the opposition ‘singular-plural’

  14. The Oppositional Substitution: neutralization & transposition

  15. The Infinitive, The Gerund, Participle I, Participle : their properties

  16. Classification of the English Vowels

  17. Classification of the English Consonants

  18. Syllabification in English : types of juncture

  19. Word-stress Tendencies in English

  20. Types of word-stress: classification criteria


Topics for discussion (28)

1. Films can tell us a lot about the country in which they were made and movies influence people's immensely.

2. Some people prefer to eat out at food stands and restaurants. Other people prepare and eat at home. Describe eating and drinking habits in English-speaking countries and Ukraine.

3. Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss it.

4. Think of the most important class you have ever given during your teaching practice and share your impressions about it.

5. You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers)

away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose.

6. Parents are the best teachers and everything roots in the family.

7. Some people believe that the earth is being harmed by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live.

8. The modern youth is politically passive, because they believe it has no

impact on their lives.

9. Television has destroyed communication between friends and family.

10. When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices.

11 .English is quickly becoming the world language. Some people think this is good. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of English as the world language.

12.Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth.

13.Every generation of people is different in many ways and the problem of

igeneration gap is very argent nowadays.

14.Marriage serves as the basis of family life in any of the world though there are as many wedding customs and traditions as cultures in the world.

15.People of English-speaking countries and Ukraine have a great variety of National Festivals and Family celebrations which they observe.

16.The divorce rate is a scientifically adequate method of measuring the health

of the instruction of marriage.

17.It is common knowledge that crime including juvenile and violent crime

increases when living standards rise.

18.A woman's place is at home.

19.The rod and reproof give wisdom. But a child left to himself brings shame to

the family.

20.Many people have a c lose relationship with their pets. These people treat their cats, dogs and other animals as members of their family. In your opinion are such relationships good? Why or why not?

21.Discuss if there is any difference in English, American and Ukrainian characters.

22.Discuss if marriage and wedding customs in Ukraine and English speaking countries are the same.

23.Ukrainian way of life and Ukrainian traditions. Discuss why it's so important to preserve traditions of your motherland.

24.Build up the image of a good teacher.

25.Human values: friendship.

26. Knowledge as a Root Cause of Stigma.

27. Role of Values, Norms and Moral Judgments.

28. Shame, Blame, and the Role of Gender.