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International marketing 10 .docx
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15) Discuss the implication of Europe 1992 on marketing strategy in Europe.

Europe without borders, Fortress Europe, and EC92 refer to the Single European Act- the agreement designed to finale remove all barriers to trade and make the European Community a single internal market. Remove physical, technical, and fiscal barriers between member states. Elimination of border controls with corresponding strengthening of external border controls, the unification of technical regulations on product standards, procedures to bring national value-added and excise tax systems among member countries closer together, and free migration of the population. The target date for implementation of this series of economic changes was 1992, hence EC92 .

16) Discuss the us- Canada Free Trade Agreement.

To support trade activity, two countries established US-Canada Free Trade Area (CFTA), designed to eliminate all trade barriers between the two countries. The CFTA created a single, continental, commercial market for all goods and most services. It provides only for the elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers.

17) Discuss the strategic marketing implications of the Canada-us-Mexico Free Trade Area.

NAFTA requires three countries to remove all tariffs and barriers to trade over 15 years, but each country will have its own tariffs agreements with nonmembers countries.

Within 10 years of implementation , all tariffs will be eliminated on North American industrial products traded between Canada, Mexico, and the USA. NAFTA also eliminates a host of other Mexican barriers such as local content, local production, and export performance requirements that have limited US exports. NAFTA reduce tariffs only for goods made in North America. NAFTA have uniform customs procedures and regulations

18) How is the concept of reciprocity linked to protectionism?

Reciprocity is an important part of the trade policy of an a unified Europe. If a country doesn’t open its market to an EC firm, it cannot expect to have access to the EC market. Europeans see reciprocity as a fair and equitable way of allowing foreign companies to participate in the European market without erecting trade barriers while at the same time giving Europeans equal access to foreign markets. There are strong feelings that Japanese market is not equally accessible to foreign firms and reciprocity addresses such inequities. The community will not grant trade concessions to Japan if Japan fails to reciprocate for European exporters

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