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биле ты 246-247.doc
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  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский:

Картофельное пюре

Отварная телятина

Яйцо, сваренное вкрутую

Фаршированный судак

Игристое вино

Бутылочное пиво

Жареные баклажаны

Копчёный угорь

Мидии в сливочном соусе

Жареный рябчик с чесноком

Французский луковый суп

Желе из красной смородины

Лесные ягоды с взбитыми сливками

Говяжий фарш

Как насчёт супа?

Салат состоит из помидоров и лука

Билет №5

  1. Сообщение по теме: Профессии работников ресторана и кухни. (перечисление обязанностей повара, шеф-повара, помощника, официанта)

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста:

Methods of cooking

Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it edible. Many products can not be eaten raw. Meat, fish and vegetables are usually cooked. Some fruits are not cooked, but some, such as apples, pears and currants, may be used in pies or to make desserts. Fruits are also cooked to make jams, jellies and marmelade. The 4 basic ways to cook food are:

  • heating in a liquid ( boiling, stewing)

  • heating in fat or oil (frying)

  • heating in steam ( steaming)

  • heating by dry heat (baking, roasting, grilling

Cooking any dish is easier if you are familiar with its ingredients. The most important thing you need to know before you start is how to be a careful cook. Always wash your hands before handling food. Thoroly wash all raw vegetables and fruits to remove dirt. Wash uncooked poultry, fish and meat under cold water. Use a cutting board when cutting up vegetables and fruits. Don`t cut them up in your hand. If you have long hair, tie it back before you start cooking. If you get burned, hold the burn under cold running water.

  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский:

Полусладкое белое вино

Крепкие напитки

Горячий шоколад

Состоит из фасоли и моркови

Кабачок похож на огурец

Сделан из мясного фарша

Подаётся горячим

Тонко нарезанный лук

Это вроде десерта

Я возьму салат из редиса

Овощное ассорти

Запечённый гусь с яблоками

Отварной картофель с грибами

Жареная куропатка

Билет № 6

  1. Сообщение по теме: Реклама ресторана.( месторасположения, время работы, блюда от шеф-повара, особенности обслуживания.)

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста:

  3. Appetizers.

It is common for a customer to choose a meal consisting of three courses, the first course usually being a soup or appetizer. An appetizer stimulates the appetite. Appetizers need to be tasty and attractive in colour. Portions should be small, as they only stimulate the appetite. Appetizers are usually served with a sauce or garnish. Examples include smoked salmon, seafood cocktail, fruit cocktails, asparagus, avocado and caviar. Cold starters, an assortment of foods, which are well seasoned to stimulate the appetite, are served as a first course. The foods used include meat, poultry, fish, game, eggs, vegetables, salads and fruits. There are many standart recipes for making starters, but the cook can create new one. Appetizers can be served in a number of ways depending on the establishment:

- a single serve to each guest from a selection of foods such as melons, asparagus, artichokes, cold vegetables, fruits, fish, meats, eggs, pates, cocktails, , smoked salmon and oysters. Each is served on a suitable base such as lettuce leaves or rise on attractive serving plates. The customer usually selects one item.

-A platter of starters for the number of guest.