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Билет №1

  1. Сообщение по теме: Описание ресторана. ( название ресторана, тип ресторана, время работы, какую кухню подаёт, фирменное блюдо, особенности обслуживания).

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста со словарём:


Salads are served all year round but are particularly popular during summer when they are served as an alternative to hot vegetables. Dressing of a salad should usually be done just prior to serving.

The term salad originally referred to the green leaves and stalks of plants that could be eaten uncooked. Salad is any cold dish consisting of meat, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables. They may be on the menu in the following ways:

As an appetizer – salad can be served as an appetizer before the main course. It should be light and stimulate the appetite. Suitable types are seafood cocktails, fruit cocktails, smoked salmon salad and avocado cocktails.

As a side dish- examples include green salad cole slaw (cabbage salad).

As a main course – salad can form the basis of the main course. It is usually a combination of cold meat, fish or poultry served with a variety of vegetables, fruits or dairy products.

As a dessert – fruit salad is a popular dessert. It is made by combining fruits, for example melon ball salad, tropical fruit salad or berry salad, or by a combination of any available fruits

  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский:

Заливная форель

Кофе с молоком

Холодные закуски

Треска в масле

Гороховый суп

Разливное пиво

Состоит из мяса и овощей

Подаётся с горчицей и хреном

Фаршированная щука

Утка с яблоками

Отбивная из свинины

Тонко нарезанный картофель

Это вроде пирога

Рубленая индейка

Клубника со сливками

Груша с миндалём

Билет №2

  1. Сообщение по теме: Заказ еды в ресторане. (время приёма пищи, названия и состав блюд, мясные, рыбные, овощные блюда, десерты, способы подачи.)

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста со словарём:

. Brazil

Whether at home or in a restaurant, Brazilians like eating with their friends and family. They never eat lunch at the office and they have dinner very late – at about ten o`clock at night. Brazilians like small cups of strong coffee, at any time of the day. As well as many different fruit drinks, Brazilians also makes very good beer. They don`t eat in the street or on the bus, and they never eat with their hands. They always use a knife and a fork to eat, even for pizza and sandwiches. The Philippines. Many Filipinos have three meals a day with two snacks in between. Rice is a part of every meal – they even make desserts with rice and coconut milk. Filipinos like eating soup, meat, vegetables and a lot of different sauces. In some parts of the country, they make wine. Families usually eat together and they like to invite people to eat with them. Filipinos eat with a fork and spoon, or with their hands. It`s polite to leave a little food on a plate at the end of the meal. Finland. There are a lot of different Finnish dishes, such as smoked fish and hot soups, but fast food such as pizza and sausages are also very popular In the streets there are stalls which sell sausages, Finland’s favorite food. Finns like drinking beer. They make excellent beer. During the week, most families don`t usually have dinner together. Sometimes at the weekends they eat with their friends. They cook meals together, or each person makes and brings a part of the meal.

  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский:

Сухое красное вино

Минеральная вода без газа

Крепкий чай

Яйцо в всмятку

Солёные огурцы

Основное блюдо

Отварная говядина

Паровая цветная капуста

Свиной фарш

Палтус в сметане

Осетрина в белом вине

Подаётся с зеленью

Это вроде горячей закуски

Курица с грибами

Фаршированный гусь

Тушёная куропатка

Билет №3

  1. Сообщение по теме: Описание кухни.( перечисление приспособлений и приборов, расстановка мебели.)

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста со словарём:

About the waiter.

Customers decide to eat at this or that restaurant for many reasons. Sometimes they like the menu of this restaurant and the reputation of the place. Sometimes they like the pleasant atmosphere, the music, or the quality of the food and its price. Customers always choose the restaurant with good serves by the waiters.Good waiters are very important in the restaurant businesses in which they work. They make a friendly atmosphere and give good and kind service to the customers. Good waiters are as important as good cooks. The waiters are in direct contact with the customers. Good waiters like to work with people and make them happy. They must have good manners. The appearance of the waiters is very important. Waiters work with food and serve customers and they must be neat and clean at all times. Their uniforms must be clean and pressed. Their hair must be short or tied back. Their nails must be clean and tidy. Shoes must be clean and comfortable. Good waiters must have a spare shirt in case the first gets dirty.