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4.2.2. Parallel connection of elements

Let us consider an electrical circuit with a parallel connection of a resistances r , r , ..., r , inductances L , L , ..., L ,capacitances C , C , ... , C and current sources j , j , ... , j (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.3

According to the of Kirchhoff law for the currents we get to the instantaneous values




and finally







I.e. by parallel connection оf resistances or inductances the value of inverse equivalent resistance or inductance equals to the sum of the inverse values of each parallel connected resistances or inductances.

By parallel connection of capacitances the equivalent capacitance equals to the sum of parallel-connected capacitances.

By parallel connection of the current sources value equivalent current source equals to the algebraic sum of the values of each parallel-connected current sources.

Parallel connection ideal voltage sources is impossible.

Similar relations can get ratios for complex conductances and current sources.


On the rules of parallel connection elements is based device current divider (Fig. 4.4).

Fig. 4.4



or through the resistance (Fig.4.5)

Fig. 4.5



The ratio of (4.35) expresses a rule of "the alien resistance": current in one of two parallel-connected resistances equals to the total current, divided by the sum of these resistances and multiplied by the other ("alien") resistance.

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