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4.6.3. Reciprocity theorem

Reciprocity theorem can be formulated as follows.

If a voltage source with the EMF E or current source J is included in the branch a - b of the linear electric circuits, not containing other energy sources, and creates in the branch c - d current I , than the same voltage source E or current source J ,included in the branch c - d, creates in the branch a - b the same current I.


Fig. 4.39

Let us consider Fig. 4.39. Here voltage source E . included in the branch a – b of the passive linear electric circuits, creates in the branch c - d with impedance Z current I (Fig. 4.39,a). Take this source in the branch c - d. Define the current in the branch a - b. Let branch a - b is included in the loop n, and the branch c - d - in the loop k of linear electric circuit. Let's calculate the circuit according to the method of loop currents.

1. Let voltage source E is included to the loop n (4.39.a). Then the current of the k – th loop


where: - the determinant of the system of loop impedance matrix;

- the determinant, resulting from by disclosure of the on the column of loop EMF. As EMF E is included only in the loop n, and the rest of the circuit is passive, then all determinants, except the determinant , equal to zero.

2. Let voltage source E is included in the loop k (Fig. 4.39.b). Then the current of the n th loop


where: - the determinant, resulting in the disclosure of the on the column of loop EMF. As EMF E is included only in the loop k, and the rest of the circuit is passive, then all determinants, except the determinant , equal to zero.

It is known, that the matrix of the loop impedances is symmetric about the main diagonal, that is = . Therefore


The theorem is proved.

As an illustration of reciprocity theorem define the current I in the circuit of fig.4.36, used when considering the principle of the superposition. Current I in Fig.4.36 was been previously defined by the expression (4.242). Take voltage source E into the branch with impedance Z . Choose the direction of E coinciding with the direction of current I . Then the current


that coincides with (4.242).

Reciprocity theorem is valid only for linear passive circuits. For nonlinear and active circuits in the general case, reciprocity theorem is not performed.

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