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1. Look up the phonetical transcription of the following words and learn to pronounce them properly:

catastrophe, sacrificial, sarcophagus, draughtboard, sword, convenient, sculpturesque, polychromy, scene, spiral, triglyph, steatite, bas-relief;

2. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions given in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The boy's bright eyes spoke of his intelligence (точно так же, как) his ready smile was a token of his good nature.

2. Andersen's fairy tales are enjoyed by children and grown-ups (в равной степени).

3. The building shows elements of the old classic tradition (наряду) with features of the new style.

4. The corner medallions on the facade (окаймлены) in wreaths of laurels.

5. We had better start ahead at once; (остальная часть группы) will join us at the foot of the mountain.

6. The hybrid style in English architecture labelled 'King Jamie's Gothic' (уступил место) to what may be called the English Renaissance.

7. Painting on wooden panels (широко применялось) since ancient times.

8. (Любопытной особенностью) about the finger-ring in our possession is that it is said to have belonged to Ceasar Borgia and con­tained poison.

3. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:

to remove, to succeed, to precede, to blend, to reach, to borrow, to suggest, to survive, to introduce, life-sized.

1. A lengthy period of rains ___ the short period of sunshine.

2. The Gothic style ___ the Baroque style.

3. The walls of the dining-rooms in Oxford. Univer­sity colleges are hung with ___ portraits of past dons.

4. Only a few monuments have ___ to us from that distant epoch.

5. When the dirt was ___ from the surface of the picture it became clear that it was an authentic Goya.

6. The members of the expedition___the place of their destination late in the night

7. In the 17th century a French enameller___a new method of producing imperishable portraits in fusible colours on a metal base.

8. The recent discoveries ___ that the objects in question are of a much earlier date.

9. It is a well-known fact that conquerors often ___ manners and customs from the people they have conquered.

10. In this little marine the colours of the sky and the sea are exquisitely ___.

4. Link adjectives with suitable nouns:

Adjectives: graceful, simultaneous, general, sacrificial, contemporary, con- ventional.

Nouns: pottery, design, writing, imagination, surface, figure, procession action, art, aspect, animal, spectator, statuette;

5. Answer the following questions:

1. What facts suggest that Middle Minoan III was closed by a general catastrophe? 2. What masterpieces of art characterize Late Minoan I?

3. What features are peculiar to that period?

4. What features characterize the pottery of that period?

5. What designs were most popular at that time?

6. When was the great architectural period of Minoan art reached?

Vocabulary to be memorized

area — пространство, площадь

basilica — базилика

blade — лезвие

blend — сливаться (о красках)

border — кайма, бордюр

borrow — заимствовать

carved — резной

carving — резьба, резные украшения

catastrophe — катастрофа

clay — глина

close [klous] — близкий, тесный

close [klouz]—заканчивать, закрывать

conventional — условный, традицион­ный

curious — любопытный, интересный

dagger — кинжал

dentil — зубчик

depict — изображать

deposits — отложения

describe — описывать

design — узор

discoverer — тот, кто обнаружил что-нибудь от discover — обнару­живать

draughtboard — шашечная доска

filler — воронка

fishscale — рыбья чешуя

flat-surfaced — с плоской поверх­ностью

frame — окаймлять, окантовывать, об­рамлять

frame-work — окантовка, бордюр, окаймление

glaze—покрывать глазурью

graceful — изящный

ground — фон

grave — могила, захоронение shaft-grave — шахтовая могила

hide — скрывать

introduce — вводить

identical — идентичный

lengthen — удлинять

life-sized — в натуральную величину

light — светлый, легкий

linear — линейный

lozenge — ромб

lustrous — блестящий, глянцевитый

monochrome — монохромный

pink — розовый

pit — шахта, яма

place — зд. относить, помещать

plaster — штукатурка, лепные укра­шения

polychromy — полихромия

precede — предшествовать

predecessor — предшественник

procession — процессия

reach — достигать

relief — рельеф

high-relief — высокий рельеф

bas-relief - барельеф

remove — удалять

rest — остальная часть, остаток

sacrificial — жертвенный

sarcophagus — саркофаг

scheme — схема, план

sculpturesque — скульптурный

shape — форма

simultaneous — одновременный

slip — облицовка, ангоб

spectator — зритель

spiral — спираль

stretch — простираться

succeed — следовать за чем-либо

suggest — наводить на мысль

survive (to) — сохраниться, дожить

touch — прикосновение

trace — след

triglyph — триглиф

varnish — лакировать

variety — разнообразие

vary — варьировать

vase — ваза