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Television in our life

Television now plays an important role in our life.Television was invented in 1935. After a short period of time it started to be very popular.Every single evening millions of people around the world sit in front of their TV sets. For many of us television became the main source of entertainment. Most kids, when they go home from school, start watching TV. When an adult is tired after work, he or she may consider TV the best way to relax. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear, that television has advantages and disadvantages.

But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don't have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can watch interesting films, concerts, football matches.

But some people think that it's bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programmes. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

My friend told me that when his TV-set broke down, he and his family found that they had more time to do things and to talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Very often the programmes are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programmes. What is your opinion?

Active vocabulary:

source джерело

entertainment розваги

to turn on включати

passive пасивний

convenient зручний

to dominate домінувати

to break down ламатися

argument аргумент

violence жорстокість

pop music поп-музыка

ads (advertisemets) реклама, об'явa

Text-based exercises

Execise 1

Знайдіть англійські еквіваленти.

Важлива роль, короткий період часу, по всьому світу, основне джерело розваг, більшість дітей, дорослі, розслабитися,важко сказати, переваги та недоліки, менш дорогий, виходити з дому у пошуках, можуть дивитися,зламався,радто багато насильства.

Execise 2

Виберіть вірний присудок.

1.Television ...(played, plays, playing) an important role in our life.

2.We ….(sit , sat, will sit) near TV every evening.

3. It ….(become, becoming, became) the main source of power.

4. Tomorrow we … ( buy , will buy, bought) new TV.

5. They ….( doesn't ,don't , didn't) have to pay for expensive seats .

6. ….(Is, am , are) this programm interesting?

7. He ….(told, tell, tells) when his TV broke down, he decided to buy a new one.

Exercise 3

Перед вами ряд слів, які треба розмістити у відповіднi колонки. Переклать їх та складіть 5 реченнь або два мінідіалоги.

Television, way, to relax, important, convenient, shows, role, broke down, films, to dominate, bad, violence, seat, expensive, to talk, opinion, cinema,

entertaiment, turn, places, comfortable, arguments, is tired, matches.




Exercise 4

Знайдіть відповідність.

1.film a) The act of entertaining.

2.source b) superior or more favourable position or power

3.to watch c)a performance or series of performances, often

presented at a scheduled time

4.entertainment d) A movie.

5.advantage e)To act as a spectator; look on

6.programme f)any person, book, organization, etc., from which

information, evidence, etc., is obtained

Exercise 5

Перекладіть речення.

1.Телебачення грає дуже важливу роль в наший життя. Це постійне джерело розваги і інформації. Це двері, через які до наших будинків може увійти весь світ.

  1. Деякі люди вважають за краще проводити свій вільний час, за погляданням розважальних телепередач, інші вважають за краще дивитися політичні й освітні програми.

  2. Ми можемо подивитися багато дійсно цікавих програм: інформаційних, музичних, спортивних, для дітей і для дорослих.

  3. Телебачення може бути прекрасним посередником в спілкуванні, але воно перешкоджає нашому спілкуванню один з одним.

  4. Поступове телебачення відгороджує нас від реального світу

Exercise 6

Зробіть на вибір :а) діалог на тему; в) презентацю про сучасне телебачення; с) монологічне висказування , що розкриває ваше відношення до проблеми.

The environmental protection.

People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the envirenment . Newspapers and magazines write about air pollution and water pollution. They write about air pollution , land pollution and water pollution. They write that the Earth is our home and and all people must take care of it . We must do everything possible to save the nature,to make our rivers and air clean. The importance of this task pointed out by scientists. The branch of science that deals with the relation of living things to their envirintment is called ecology. From the point of view of ecology the mankind should first of all lessen pollution.

Forest areas and nature parks are of great importance for people's health. It's necessary to create nature parks.There are a lot of such parks in Ukraine .We have only to protect them to see that they multiply.

Considerable progress was made during the second half of the 21 century: forests are planted or replanted , millions of hectares of new forests are planted each year.

Groups like “Greenpiece”have already helped to stop whale hunting.Now they want to stop fur-hunting,too. Like many other organization they believe in “animal rights”.

The closed cycle use of water by industry was put into practice. Each factory purifies and re-uses the save water , instead of taking more from rivers or lakes. Most of the factories in the gas, iron , and steel industries now operate closed cycle water system.

Nature has it's rights and it is the duty of man to respect and defend these rights.

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