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Кузнецова Л. И. Методические указания.doc
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Ottoman Empire

1. The Ottoman Dynasty … (find) in the first half of the fourteenth century AD by Osman I who … (become) chieftain of a pastoral tribe that then …(range) over northwestern Anatolia and … (engage) in periodic encroachments on Byzantine dominions. 

2. Over the course of centuries Osman’s tribe … (grow) stronger and … (pursue) a course of conquest which …(result) in its obtaining possession of both a substantial portion of the Balkans and Anatolian territory up to the straits that …(separate) Constantinople from Chalcedon. 

3. In 1453 Constantinople … (fall) to the troops of Mohammed II.  There … (follow) a period of Ottoman expansion in which the tide of conquest … (move) south to the Persian Gulf, west across North Africa to the borders of what is now Morocco, northwest to the gates of Vienna, and north to embrace almost the entire coast of the Black Sea. 

B. Translate the text in writing. Write an essay on the topic using relative clauses.

Palestine Before wwi

The anti-Semitic climate in Europe in the 19th century had much to do with the influx of Jews into Palestine, a situation that was largely responsible for the beginning of civil and religious unrest there and the subsequent involvement of some of the world’s most powerful nations. During the early to mid 1800’s, Palestine was held by the Ottoman regime and while the elements of interaction between the Palestinians and the Ottomans were tense, this period served to develop for the Palestinians a number of survival strategies that were built around the Ottoman system of political and economic power. By 1840 major changes on the civil level were already underway in Palestine.  The Palestinians themselves were becoming more comfortable with state institutions and the burgeoning economy that was created by Muhammad ‘Ali’s influence also created new opportunities for the Arabs. Both the 19th century and 20th century colonization of Palestine introduced and generated the development of capitalism and ultimately Palestine’s position of political and economic significance to other countries.  By the time the British took Palestine in 1918, they had already been formulating its purpose as a stepping stone to gaining other regions as well as a Zionist outpost.  At the very same time that it was playing Zionism against the Arabs, The British were utilizing Arab nationalism against Turkey.  In order to elicit the help of the Palestinian Arabs against the Turks, the British promised their independence after World War I.  To gain the assistance of the Jews, the British promised them a national home.

Unit 9. Reading, translating and writing

I. Conditional clauses

Main points: We use conditional clauses to talk about a possible situation and its results. Conditional clause can begin with if. A conditional clause needs a main clause to make a complete sentence. The conditional clause can come before or after the main clause.

I. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1 If one of the dogs attacked, …

2 If you were late for the train, …

3 If you moved to the country, …

4 If the dog had attacked, …

5 If the train is late, …

6 If you move to London, …

7 If you stayed in Birmingham, …

8 If you drive too fast, …

9 if you had missed your connection, …

A … you could always go by bus.

B … I can take you by car.

C … there’s sure to be an accident.

D … you could live in our house.

E … you would certainly have been late.

F … it could have killed one of the children.

G … you could buy a bigger house.

H … you’ll be closer to the office.

I … you would get a nasty bite.

II Use if -conditional clauses.