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Кузнецова Л. И. Методические указания.doc
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Key to exercises



2 H, 3 P, 4 P, 5 F, 6 F, 7 P, 8 P, 9 F, 10 H, 11H


1. I usually go to work by car, but I am going on the bus this week while my car is being mended.

2. A: Do you know where Brian is? B: I haven’t seen him since lunch. I think he is in the kitchen. He is probably doing the washing up.

3. My daughter is a vegetarian. She doesn’t eat meat. It is sometimes difficult in a restaurant when she finds that they don’t have any vegetarian dishes. That’s why she usually telephones before to find out what’s on the menu.

4. A: How long have you been living in Liverpool?

B: Only three weeks. We are staying in a hotel until we have found a house to buy.

5. A: I met George while I was waiting for the bus tonight.

B: How is he? I haven’t seen him for months.

A: He seemed to do very well.

B: I think he has just got a new job, hasn’t he?

A: Well he just left his old job about a month ago, but he hasn’t found anything else yet. He is still looking for something.


1. A: Are you doing anything tomorrow?

B: Not really. We are just staying at home.

2. A: Is Peter living at home now?

B: No, he is still at university at Sheffield.

3. A: How about your exams? Have you passed?

B: I don’t know. I’ll let you know as soon as Ive heard the results.

4. A: Is Jack the boy who is coming to stay next week?

B: No. Jack lives just near us. It’s Dan who’s coming to stay

5. A: Have you seen Jenny recently?

B: No, but we’ll probably see her when we go to Leeds.

6. A: Will you come home after you’ve finished work?

B: No. I’m meeting Joe in town and we’re going to the theatre.



3. Where did you go in England?

4. We went to London, but we didn’t go to Oxford.

5. What play did they see at Stradford?

6. They saw Hamlet, but they didn’t see Julius Caesar.

7. Did Angelo buy any records in London?

8. He bought some clothes, but he didn’t buy any records.

9. Did you enjoy your holiday?

10. I enjoyed the holiday, but I didn’t enjoy the food.


2. Excuse me. I just wanted to know if you were free at the moment. P

3. If I wanted to know, I would ask. H

4. Fred telephoned yesterday and left a message. N

5. I wish it was time for lunch. H

6. I first went abroad when I was 17. N

7. I am writing because I wondered if I could offer a useful suggestion. P

8. Jenny wished she hadn’t been so careless. H

9. We looked everywhere for the money, but we couldn’t find it. N

10. You must take a map with you. Suppose you got lost, then what would you do? H


2. He opened the book and started to read.

3. We were enjoying the film, when suddenly the electricity went off.

4. When she heard the news, she began to cry.

5. Everyone was talking quietly. Suddenly the door burst open.

6. When I heard the doorbell, I ran downstairs.

UNIT 3. A 5, B 4, C 3, D 2, E 1


A. Look at these sentences and match questions and answers.

1d, 2a, 3e, 4b, 5f, 6c, 7g, 8i, 9j, 10h

B. Use the information from the sentences above to complete these sentences.

2. I didn’t go to the film because I’ve seen it before.

3. I didn’t know Michael. In fact I’ve never met him before.

4. We couldn’t go out until I have finished the washing up.

5. I couldn’t lend Sally my book because I’ve left it at home.

6. I know London well, because I have lived here for years.

7. I felt so bad, I was sure that I’ve caught a cold.

8. John couldn’t go to work because he’s had an accident.

9. We didn’t live in Sevenoaks any more. We’ve just moved to Oxford.

C. Use the following future perfect verb groups to complete the sentence below.

2. By the time we get to Birmingham we will have driven over two hundred miles.

3. If they start school at four, most children will have learned to read and write by the age of six.

4. By the end of this century, we will have used up most of the world’s oil supplies.

5. After two hours, the leading competitors will have run about 30 kilometres.

D. What do you think will have happened by the end of this century? Here are some ideas to help you.

2. Scientists will have learnt to control the weather.

3. Third world war will have broken out.

4. Man will have destroyed the planet.

5. World population will have grown to three billion.

6. Atomic energy will have replaced oil and coal.


A. Use the auxiliary do to complete the sentences below.

2. Where do you want to go for dinner this evening?

3. Don’t be silly!

4. How long did it take you to drive to London last night?

5. How long does it usually take?

6. Does anyone know the answer?

B. Use these auxiliaries to complete the sentences that follow.

2. Do you still work in the shop, or have you got another job now?

3. I don’t want to be late, so I will have to take a taxi.

4. We have been waiting for hours, but he still hasn’t phoned.

5. You would have met her, if you had come earlier.

6. I was going to write to you, but I didn’t have time.

7. I wish I had seen John and Mary while they were staying here.

8. Don’t shout! You will wake the baby.

9. We are still working. We haven’t finished yet.

10. Does anyone know what time the meeting is going to start?

C. Here are some very common question forms in English. First complete the question by adding do, does, has, had, then match the questions and answers.

1 Do you know what time it is?

2 Have you finished yet?

3 Does anyone know where Alex is?

4 Has anybody seen Maria?

5 Do you think will be late?

6 Have you ever been abroad?

7 Does anybody know the date?

8 Do you like living in England?

9 Have you ever read any Shakespeare?

10 Has anyone here got change for a pound?

11 Do you know what time the next train leaves?

12 Does anybody know where the key to this cupboard is?

A No, I’ll be another 10 minutes.

B No, I am afraid my English isn’t good enough.

C Sorry, I haven’t got a watch.

D The seventeenth, isn’t it?

E Not me. I haven’t seen it for ages.

F In about 10 minutes, I think.

G Yes, I’ve got two fifty-pence pieces.

H No, I don’t think she’s here this morning.

I Not yet. But I am going to America next year.

J Yes, but I don’t like the weather much.

K He was in the library a minute ago.

L Not, if we hurry.

1C, 2A, 3K, 4H, 5L, 6I, 7D, 8J, 9B, 10G, 11F, 12E


Match the pairs.

1B, 2E, 3A, 4F, 5C, 6H, 7D, 8J, 9G, 10I

II. Future: A. to be won, D. will be sent to candidates. Past: E was made in Hong, Kong, F were killed in the rally, J was told to stay inside their homes


II. Underline passive verb groups: 2. was forced 6. was forced 7. be based 8. being told 9. was seen


A. Underline relative clause in the text Ottoman Empire . Complete the sentences by using the proper form of the verb.

1. was founded, became, ranged, engaged 2. grew, pursued, resulted, separated 3. fell, followed, moved