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3. Activity of system Minobrazovanija of Russia in carrying out of antinarcotic work in the educational environment.

Last years practically in all regions of the Russian Federation the situation connected to abusing of the psychoactive substances, continues to worsen essentially. All experts mark growth of narcotisms and glue sniffings in a teenage population with shift of parameters of abusing psychoactive substances in younger age groups.

The situation is complicated that now on the foreground the use of synthetic preparations with high narcogen activity (heroin, amphetamine) leaves. Thus teenagers by virtue of incompleteness of age mental and physical development are faster, than adults, get in painful dependence.

Reform of the education carried out today is impossible without taking into account all inquiries of a society. One of the major is preventive maintenance of abusing psychoactive substances and the prevention of the numerous deviations connected to it.

The concept of continuous education has arisen in connection with that rates of alternation of generations of people and traditional pedagogics any more to the full began to surpass rates of scientific and technical and social changes provided this process. That is dynamics of a modern society was not accompanied by corresponding acceleration in development of educational structures, including structure of public health services. The formation was accompanied by stresses, the phenomena school of the disadaptation, mastering of stereotypes of a unhealthy way of life that has brought in the contribution to deterioration of health of minors. Such situation if did not promote, at least, could not prevent the scale beginning of abusing of the psychoactive substancesat teenage age, i.e. during training at school.

The further passivity of educational structures in this respect inevitably would conduct to devaluation of the public importance of education. Therefore the Ministry of Education has resolutely dealt with a problem of the prevention of abusing of the psychoactive substances.

In view of a urgency of problems of distribution of a narcotism among children and youth the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from 23.03.99 № 718 questions of the organization of work under the prevention of abusing of the psychoactive substancesin the educational environment are recognized priority in activity of Ministry of education of Russia, controls as formation of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Priority of struggle against a narcotism is the organization of the preventive work directed on formation at young generation of the country of valuable orientation to a healthy way of life, providing the complex approach to the decision of problems of the prevention of a narcotism in all basic spheres of ability to live of children, teenagers and youth (family, educational establishments, leisure). Thus preventive work should be inverted and to those children and young people who for faced with a situation of narcotisation (primary preventive maintenance), and to what have started "to experiment" drugs (secondary preventive maintenance), and to at what it was generated narcodependence (tertiary preventive maintenance, or rehabilitation).

The basic document determining priority directions of activity of bodies and establishments of an education system in the given direction, began developed under order Ministry of Education of Russia the Concept of preventive maintenance of abusing of the psychoactive substances in the educational environment, approved by the decision of board Minobrazovanija of Russia from 08.02.2000 № 3/1. With a view of realization of the given decision of board by the order of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation from 28.02.2000 № 619 the Concept and a plan of measures on its realization for 2000-2001 providing a number of prime measures on counteraction of a narcotism among children, teenagers and youth have been authorized.

Preventive work is carried out on all educational levels (from preschool up to the supreme professional), in educational establishments of all types and kinds. The specified work is carried out within the framework of educational programs, special courses, facultatives, directed on increase of the general culture of subjects of educational space (children, parents, pedagogical workers), training of children to safe, legislative behaviour, formation of a healthy way of life, preparation of the future parents for successful performance of the duties on education of children. In programs of educational establishments of average, the supreme, after high school and additional vocational training rates on questions of preventive maintenance of a narcotism among minors and youth are entered.

The major direction of antinarcotic preventive work is increase of efficiency of educational, психолого-pedagogical work with trainees, pupils of educational establishments. For realization of the given direction the Program of development of education in an education system of the Russian Federation for 1999-2001 had special value. A result of realization of the Program was maintenance of coordination of activity of various educational levels on increase of the status of education in educational establishments; attraction to a problem of education of the wide pedagogical, scientific and parental public; interaction with public organizations and other social institutes. In educational establishments rates of the experts who are carrying out educational, психолого-pedagogical and social - pedagogical work (social teachers, teachers - psychologists, teachers - organizers, teachers of additional formation, etc.) are entered

Formed by the Ministry of Education of Russia the system of preventive maintenance of abusing drugs and others psychoactive substances in the organizational attitude{relation} includes programs of several levels.

Federal level. Here coordination of all preventive activity is carried out, resources are allocated, legal certificates are developed, the minimal standard of rehabilitation actions is set and supervised.

Regional (local) level. Here in practice realization of the preventive program, its coordination and attraction of local resources are carried out. Realization at a local level is considered optimum.

Level of separate social groups. The essence consists in that all basic significant other persons of minors, appeared included in preventive activity. The minor especially having personal experience of reception of the psychoactive substances , not always has a motivation to the control and the termination of reception, therefore so it is important to involve in preventive programs significant other persons and through them really to form motivation at minors. Thus also serious problems significant other persons simultaneously are solved.

Optimum base (Federal) the model should be realized at a regional (local) level in view of its specificity. Advantages of such approach:

1. A combination of federal and own resources which can be realized in preventive activity, and an opportunity of the control over their use;

2. Initiating action of a command (creation of precedents of a regional level);

3. Formation of an active from target groups;

4. Real support of the local public and formation real voluntary movements at a local level;

5. A real opportunity of coordination of efforts of different departments, in particular public health services, and the structures located in the given territory.