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Three stages of a narcotism

The first stage of a narcotism is a stage of a mental inclination to a drug - is characterized not only occurrence of a syndrome of mental dependence on a preparation, but also its reduction euphoric actions at repeated receptions. To the beginning addict for a reconstruction former bright euphoric sensations begins necessary gradually to increase a doze of a drug. Thus in breaks between receptions of a drug of the patient feels a dissatisfaction, discomfort, at him serviceability is reduced.

Reception of a preparation in a little bit raised doze completely removes these sensations. In result all thoughts and aspirations of the patient go to one purpose - to reception all new and new dozes of a preparation. The first stage of narcotisms (depending on their kind) lasts rather not for long - from 2 till 6 months.

Further the use of a drug results in development of the second stage of a narcotism during which the syndrome of physical dependence on a drug is formed. During the second stage of a narcotism the organism of the patient adapts for a drug and thereof the termination of reception of a preparation causes the various functional frustration describing a syndrome of the abstinence. The abstinent syndrome is a difficult complex psychovegetative frustration. Changes of a mental condition of the patient are typical for it - occurrence of long conditions of discomfort, anxiety, a dissatisfaction, those or other vegetative shifts. Patients have raised secretion of mucous membranes, a cold, sneeze, lacrimation, the alternating feeling heat and a fever is felt. There are muscular pains, periodic spasmes of muscles of legs. Appetite is sharply reduced. There can be vomitting, a diarrhea, pains in a stomach and an intestines. The patient becomes restless, at him the spiteful - whining mood prevails.

The sharp period of the abstinence lasts till 4-5 weeks and gradually (in case of abstention from reception of a drug) the patient comes in a normal condition. However the residual phenomena of the abstinence can be kept within several months. Development of the abstinence in the event that treatment of a narcotism to not begin during the first or in the beginning of the second stage of disease, forms a basis for continuation of consumption by the patient of a drug in more and more growing quantities. At the given stage of a narcotism tolerance to a drug sharply increases, and the daily doze of a preparation, for example morphine, can reach up to 40 - 50 ml of 1 %-s' solution. Thus reception of a drug even in such quantities any more does not cause sharp euphoria which the patient experiences at the first stage of disease, but serves only for disposal from the abstinence . During the end of first and all second stage of disease the phenomena of an intoxication of an organism accrue.

At the third stage of disease the somatic pathology develops, there are significant changes of mentality of the patient. Increasing the dyspeptic frustration, full absence of the appetite, on a regular basis repeating vomitting, chronic diarrheas result to sharp, and on occassion - cachectic growing thin. Patients at this stage of disease are apathetic, weak, at them arterial pressure is reduced, pulse is slowed down, coordination of movements, gait shaky, stumbling is upset. Appearance of patients is characteristic: because of an exhaustion, dryness of a skin, caries, fragilities of hair and nails patients of average and young age look very old men.

Mental frustration cause development of the asthenia and anergy. Tolerance to a drug during this period is reduced, therefore reception of it becomes less regular, and for the prevention of the abstinence a little bit smaller dozes, than at the second stage of disease are required. During all third stage of disease introduction of a drug does not cause of the euphoric a condition and the need for a preparation is caused only by necessity to avoid og the abstinence. At the final stages of a narcotism frustration of digestive and cardiovascular systems accrue, can develop toxic myocardiopathy, the exhaustion amplifies. Fatal outcomes, as a rule, are connected to total regeneration of a cardiac musle, nephropathy, a joined infection.

Diagnostics of the sharp conditions caused by the use of drugs, does not represent work if to pay attention to the following symptoms. Narcotic intoxication is always shown:

- The broken consciousness. This narrowing of consciousness at reception of stimulators and opiates, synthetic analgetices, obscuring at reception of hashish, inhalation flying narcotic substances;

- Changed, not affect adequate to a situation. The doctor usually do not cause, got drunk is in euphoria. However, in intoxication sharp depressive affects with attempts of suicide are possible;

- The extremely various infringement of psychomotor activity from mutism up to uncontrollable garrulity, from languid immobilization up to fussiness when the patient is not capable to keep a pose. Infringements of balance, coordination are marked, at reception of stimulators - a fine tremor, intensity or slackness of skeletal muscles;

- So various vegetative miosis and mydriasis, hyperemia, including expansion of vessels of the scleras, pallor, hypersalivation and shine of eyes or dryness of mucous membranes, hoarseness of a voice, switching-off of pulse and arterial pressure, frequency of breath.

Additional and very important diagnostic attribute are dynamism of a condition, fast change or disappearance of symptoms, but thus it is necessary to observe the patient within even 1 hour that is not always possible.

A variety of semiology, as well as its dynamism, is defined not only effects of the accepted drug, but also its doze, a phase of intoxication and disease. A picture of intoxication the brightest at beginning narcotisation and in the beginning of illness at high dozes and in the first phases of an intoxication. In process of formation of dependence, hobby of bearableness, at a moderate intoxication and on its recession the semiology smooths out. In the beginning of intoxication one substance and on its recession symptoms can be polar, is especial in psychomotor and vegetative spheres.